Artifact Ideas



  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    I like the idea of PvE arties. I still refuse to buy the new set because they are so hideously overpriced for what they do (9% buff at max? Need to buy a full set for resistances if you want to get to /13?). Maybe just an artifact that lets the squad things work with a squad of just 1 person would be cool too. That would serve the purpose of some of your ideas without having to worry about stacking.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    How about something like...

    Gepeto's Toy Merian - you benefit from squad powers whilst in a squad by yourself, and also gain a 1/8 boost to your damage against denizens. This stacks with itself and the merian racial power. (So you can buy up to 8.)

  • pve arties=whips

  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    Oh here's another idea. How about an artifact that mimics guild champion RESCUE but only works on mutual allies? Is that an alright idea? Heck, if you want, can limit it to same city/commune too. I just want to be able to rescue more peeps.

  • Celina said:
    OH. I would like PVE damage buff arties that are way cheaper than the current runes. A fourth of the price for only PVE damage. Might be weird in the current system the way BUFFS works.

    Maybe even just a flat 25% PVE damage buff that works outside the system, but doesn't apply to players. That way balance isn't a huge concern. Class specific, so you have to buy one for pyros, one for illuminati, one for monk, etc. Money maker $$$$$

    Artifact that increases gold drops, or a chance for double gold.

    Artifact that gives a chance for double xp for bashing only.

    Artifact that gives a chance for double attacks, PVE bashing only.

    Honestly, bashing needs something. Anything. It's so obsolete these days, and I still prefer it over influencing and afkspace.
    My old suggestion for a goldsink was to make these gold-buyable (well, not the extra gold one). It'd give bashing a boost, and would start draining the economy a bit.
  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    So asphyxiation, magical, cutting and blunt beast breaths are the only (I think) beast breaths not covered right now. Maybe artifacts for those?
  • I like the idea of an arty to become a one man squad.  

    /bias cause of artys

    No rescue please, rescue is already bad for removing people who should be in combat (those that put themselves there).  Not a fan of rescue in general as it is currently being used.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Comrade's jewelry whatever: you buy it and give half to X person. You can instantly travel to that person from any plane.
  • edited January 2016
    For the sake of balance, im going to point out why some ideas are -not- healthy for the game (in case the admin dont see this).

    - An Artifact to COMMAND someone to do something would cause some imbalances. This is more of a powerful ability than you realize and could easily become a crux for some classes.

    - We already have spectacles that tell us when enemies enter the area (which by the way was a bad idea to make as a public item...), we really dont need another artifact that will tell us when a dreamweaver attempts to attack someone in the area. Tone it down on the easy counter-measures.

    - No to Necromancy Ghost as an artifact for obvious reasons..... Can you imagine the people popping it up to flee from fights. It would become a must-have.

    - Having High and Low magic at the same time....would not be healthy for combat at all

    - The Oven that makes ur'trap cookies...yeah unless we want to make the concept of ur'traps pointless, I'd suggest making it give 1 cookie per game month, not per game day....with chances of double and triple (whhhhhhhhhhy)

    - 'Comrade's jewelery' is basically the "Love earrings" from Achaea and "heart pendant" from Aetolia. These items also became a crux in combat, as professional combatants would purchase them (some with multiple) in order to easily get out of situations by popping over to a friend in a safe zone (or even popping over to a friend for raid purposes). Please no.

    Some Ideas I found appealing:

    Ur'key for Catacombs

    Extra Flashpoints on Ships

    Amber for Ovens
  • edited January 2016
    Some suggestions:

    - Icon of Power: You can store personal power in this icon from your own reserves, and link to it to drain power back. You may also put any essence into it to instantly transform it into power (amounts to 1 power, so sands of the dreaming have no influence). Great for situations you find yourself in need of a boost (such as a long fight). You may also push it against a nexus to transfer all power directly into one (great for power donations/fines). *This could add a nice niche to the market as well.

    - Soulstone (I personally wanted this for Jewellery, but it seems to have not gotten as much attention): You may drain corpses into this stone, and gather up their essence. The soulstone can only hold a limited amount of essence. You can offer up this soulstone at any shrine.

    - Seed of the Dreaming: Allow entrance to Nirvana *I can imagine a very cheap cost to this. Doable once per month
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    I'd love to have an artifact that mimics 'ooshmun' from harmony or something similar.

    talking at the nexus and then want input from someone who's been quiet, to realize they left minutes ago and you didn't see it because of shroud... :-(

    Don't need to see any names, just like ooshmun tell me 'someone moved to direction/aether'.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    edited January 2016
    Please don't listen to Arcanis. He doesn't know what he's talking about again.

    1) Command skills have undergone several nerfs over the years so that the skill is not actually that powerful. Especially the ones that require/use eq such as what Celestines have. Can't command anything over 5 power, can't sip vitae, can't drain vials, can't kick super mobs (they just go aggro on the enemy in the room now), etc. For an artifact, I think it sucks because it really will have minimal use to 95% of people. There's very little you can command people to do that is worth 3 seconds (or however long) of eq loss. Some random antics and one offs like forcing entering an archway, but it's definitely not going to be a crux for anyone.

    2) Ghost is a niche skill. Use it to get past totems/statues, certain mob clusters (icewynd), scouting. Etc. As far as "escape skills" go, ghost is not a good one. You are better served actually escaping. Cubix, tumble, just walking away, etc. It's countered by water and eye sigils, it's very, very niche. It'd be cool to have to sneak past statues or the mob clump in icewynd.

    3) Arcanis talking about Earrings of Sinope (lol Love earrings?). They were super OP when they were released but nerfed some time back to be very similar to my suggestion, with the caveat that you have to be unhindered/on balance/etc etc. Basically anything that stops a cubix would also stop the earring making them not particularly unique as "escape" skills. Their use as "easy escape" skills are redundant with existing artifacts (just like achaea and the Duanathar wings!). So that complaint in particular is pointless, they aren't a useful griefing tool. They would be great for raids and rescues though, which I think is awesome!
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Ears artifact from goop list will do that.
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    @tarkenton Sadly they won't. They show you movement 'in adjacent rooms'. I got the ears from a roll and they don't tell you if someone moves into or out of your room, but will let you know if someone moves passing your room without even entering your room. Plus no aether move out / move in. Sure, you can guess it somewhat, but it's not what am looking for.

    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    You can customize beasts to tell you when people move in and out of your room.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Was fairly certain I'd see people move out of my room into the room next to me. Will double check later, is a good chance I'm tripping.
  • edited January 2016
    I'm not really loving the idea of spreading even more abilities unique to certain skillsets and opening them to everyone. We've already done Veil and Trueheal. I'm not really enthusiastic about doing stuff like Ghost and giving it to everyone.

    In reality, I'd probably start opening up some of the auction artifacts for common sale. There is a lot of talk that auctions probably won't happen again in IRE because they don't make a lot of money. People just hoard all their credits and escrow and use them for auctions.

    Edit: Command would be fine and incredibly situational, provided it had a bal/eq cost. An earrings of sinope clone would be awful in a game that already has issues with people having way too many escapes, primarily in the form of orgbix's.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.

    I hope the admin see through all the kneejerk silliness to the actual meat and potatoes of the idea. It'd be a great seller for raiders and a pretty useful offensive oriented combat artifact. Sidd gets into a fight and I could move to him instantly, but I wouldn't be able to remove him from the encounter. Etc etc.

    What it's not is an escape anything, people get free artifacts for the same effect. People keep saying it, it keeps being stupid. If you want a great seller for raiders and combatants, earrings will sell. 

  • edited January 2016

    Celina said:

    I hope the admin see through all the kneejerk silliness to the actual meat and potatoes of the idea. It'd be a great seller for raiders and a pretty useful offensive oriented combat artifact. Sidd gets into a fight and I could move to him instantly, but I wouldn't be able to remove him from the encounter. Etc etc.

    What it's not is an escape anything, people get free artifacts for the same effect. People keep saying it, it keeps being stupid. If you want a great seller for raiders and combatants, earrings will sell. 

    Except you can still escape if you touch the earrings and move to him instantly. It's dumb and there's a reason it has been nerfed on every IRE game on every incarnation of the mechanic. I'm fine with it provided there's an aggro check on the toucher to avoid easy escapes and it allows it to be used as a cosmetic 'go instantly to your significant other' sort of deal.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    I guess I don't see much difference between touching an earring or touching an orgbix/cubix to escape.

    Welcome to Lusternia - where if you really want to escape, you can.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Yeah, the big problem is that (as described) you'd be able to uber-tesser in instantly with your whole party to an arbitrary place on another plane. Like cubix, but to anywhere. 
  • edited January 2016
    Synkarin said:
    I guess I don't see much difference between touching an earring or touching an orgbix/cubix to escape.

    Welcome to Lusternia - where if you really want to escape, you can.

    Good thing there's a report to downgrade orgbix's.

    That's kind of a bandwagon fallacy. Just because orgbix's exist and other forms of escape exist doesn't validate the necessity and balance ramifications of having an artifact that copies the earrings of Sinope.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    When did we give everyone veil? :O

  • edited January 2016
    Qistrel said:
    When did we give everyone veil? :O

    Max level Coal in the last promotion will give you Stealth Veil for 5p.

    Max level Peppermint will allow you to trueheal another individual for 5p.

    Enyalida said:
    Yeah, the big problem is that (as described) you'd be able to uber-tesser in instantly with your whole party to an arbitrary place on another plane. Like cubix, but to anywhere. 

    Technically, the Earrings of Sinope don't bring your entourage in any of the other games. Only you. Used to bring entire groups in Achaea, I believe, but that got downgraded. Earrings are still an incredibly contentious and fought over artifact that usually just end up being completely cosmetic anyway in terms of how to balance them. Might as well just avoid the headache now.

    Edit: Also, you're not limited by how many people you could bond with. Mizik had earrings with nearly all of Ashtan's big fighters and they'd just touch their earrings to go straight to him since he was their de-facto combat leader most of the time.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Well, Veil is 5 power. So it's actually just straight up Veil.

    Man, I should have just stayed Shofangi and gotten loads of stockings, then I'd have Veil without having to give up Harmony for it. :(

  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    edited January 2016
    Nienla said:

    Good thing there's a report to downgrade orgbix's.

    That's kind of a bandwagon fallacy. Just because orgbix's exist and other forms of escape exist doesn't validate the necessity of having an artifact that copies the earrings of Sinope.

    It also doesn't invalidate it either. The question really is 'Are these too powerful to be an artifact due to their escape potential' and given Lusternia's current situation, the answer is no, they aren't too powerful. They're incredibly more useful for bringing people to a fight rather than escaping.

    Edit: The coal veil is once per IC month too, so it's not a real replacement

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    edited January 2016
    Nienla said:
    Synkarin said:
    I guess I don't see much difference between touching an earring or touching an orgbix/cubix to escape.

    Welcome to Lusternia - where if you really want to escape, you can.

    Good thing there's a report to downgrade orgbix's.

    That's kind of a bandwagon fallacy. Just because orgbix's exist and other forms of escape exist doesn't validate the necessity of having an artifact that copies the earrings of Sinope.
    That's not what a bandwagon fallacy is. 

    And yes, the presence of a free artifact does invalidate complaints about "escape mechanisms" regarding for credits artifacts because you are not adding something that does not already exist for people who would purchase this artifact. It's not an escape artifact, and it's not complicated.

    @Enyalida brings up a valid complaint. I think just make it no hinder/no follow and it'd still sell. 

    edit: You can actually just search for "earring" on Achaea's forums to find out they aren't actually contentious at all. The last complaint was back in May or something, someone saying they regret buying them. 
  • Celina said:
    Comrade's jewelry whatever: you buy it and give half to X person. You can instantly travel to that person from any plane.
    Make sure you have to be able to be masochistic and it won't be useable to escape combat you've already engaged in. Problem solved.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    I think it would be neat to have a lot more two player artifacts, but they could be kind of minor. 

    How about a lover's locket? Counts as a master sketch of your spouse or your beau with a long cooldown and agree command. Updates with their current desc when you... point it at them? 
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    edited January 2016
    That'd work too! Great option to join a fight (something much needed in Lusternia) without adding anything escape wise that doesn't already exist. 

    And no follow, like Enyalida stated.
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