Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "One of thhese days I'll bee strrong enough to go along."
You say to Sksez, "You are strong enough to come, it's Crumkindivia, you should come and touch the pyramid to get the defences. Check out CITY CONSTRUCTS."
Talan Ysav'rai says, "Sksez has no interest in your pyramids."
Softly, you say to Sksez, "Thank you. I may take you up on that offer."
Ironbeard the Magnanimous exclaims, "Noo need to thaNk me! ThanK thhe G *hic* gods ffor Their gift off lIfE!"
You tilt your head curiously at Ironbeard the Magnanimous.
Ironbeard the Magnanimous taps his nose knowingly at you.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Ironbeard's here?!"
Sksez hugs Ironbeard the Magnanimous compassionately.
Ironbeard the Magnanimous taps his nose knowingly at Sksez.
Pursing her lips, you say to Ironbeard the Magnanimous, "Now I know where you get all your booze from."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Where?"
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "I want his booze!"
You say to Sksez, "Here, obviously. That's why he is hanging out here - he's pilfering from us!"
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Oh!"
Hopefully, you say to Ironbeard the Magnanimous, "Secret is safe, if you promise to double the delivery to Gaudiguchians."
Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame exclaims, "Baby, this is where it's at!"
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "We do have good booze."
You wink conspiratorially at Ironbeard the Magnanimous.
Ironbeard the Magnanimous's eyes twinkle enchantingly at you.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says to Ironbeard the Magnanimous, "I charge reasonable prices, y'know, Mr. Ironbeard."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries smiles with a wink and says to Ironbeard the Magnanimous, "I'll distill you something nice."
With a bawdy chuckle, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says, "Besssht boOze in *hic* the lAnd!"
The corners of Sksez's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says to you, "To answer your question, though, probably a lot of alcohol and pastries."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "The world could always use more alcohol and pastries."
Grinning widely, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says to Sksez, "WoUldn'tt obje *hic* ct tto A speCiAl drinK!"
Sksez nods his head sagely.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says to Ironbeard the Magnanimous, "I don't really have any right now, I'm afraid."
Sksez chuckles long and heartily.
Ironbeard the Magnanimous says to Sksez, "Welll, go get somee!"
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says to Ironbeard the Magnanimous, "Give me better than a standard present and I will."
Sksez taps his nose knowingly.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Even so."
Eyes blearily twinkling, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says to Sksez, "BrriNg me eomjthhing to orink, Fiibst!"
The corners of Sksez's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Sksez gives a bottle to Ironbeard the Magnanimous.
Ironbeard the Magnanimous exclaims, "Thank youh Sksez, jut I am The gift- *hic* giver, no *hic* t the gift-receiverr!"
Ironbeard the Magnanimous hands a bottle back.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Well, fine then!"
The corners of Sksez's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Sksez takes a long draught of whiskey.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "You'd almost think some naughty soul was pretending to be Ironbeard."
Grinning happily, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says to Sksez, "That'sch *hic* a silly fhooudht."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Which means they probably won't get any presents next Solstice."
Ironbeard the Magnanimous exclaims, "There ish no gifq fiher thanN ths giift of givinng!"
The corners of Sksez's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "How's the song go?"
Eyes peering skywards as he thinks, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says to Sksez, "Welll, on my gooD lis *hic* t, we have....Stei *hic* ng *hic* rim.U..Xypherv....Luu *hic* hghaigh *hic* hhe....Breandryn....."
Sksez says, "Pssshhhh..."
Lughaighe blinks.
Frowning back at Sksez, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says, "Yp *hic* m...I *hic* don't h *hic* ee any Sksez on thIs list."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "None of those people have been good."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "You can't lie to me, old man."
Lughaighe creases his brow in a frown.
The corners of Sksez's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Maybe Lughaighe has been."
Sksez shrugs helplessly.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "I dunno about that, though. He didn't say hi back to me earlier."
With a hiccuping guffaw, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says to Sksez, "A Nice shpecual dRink mmay change my mind!"
Chaote Lughaighe says, "Good is an awfully subjective term."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "I tried to give you the drink and you gave it back!"
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "I'll give someone else the drink."
Sksez gives a bottle to Chaote Lughaighe.
Winking, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says to Sksez, "I waNt something sppecial jucl for me!"
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says to Lughaighe, "Happy belated Solstice."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Well, apparently I'm on the bad list, else I would."
Sksez shrugs helplessly.
Bleary eyes twinkling as his dreams soar, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says, "The Irvnnbeard SsyeSiAl."
Sksez blinks.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Damn."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says to Lughaighe, "What's in the bottle I gave you?"
Happily, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says to Lughaighe, "H *hic* oww *hic* aboukt ygu, little dracnar *hic* i? Woul *hic* dd you lIke r rpeCial gifv from ironbeard?"
Chaote Lughaighe says, "Me?"
Nodding happily, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says to Lughaighe, "YeS!"
Lughaighe creases his brow in a frown.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Yeah, definitely an imposter. Ironbeard isn't usually this talkative..."
Resting one hand on his rumbling tummy, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says, "Hmm...I think I'm rAther hungry..."
Frowning, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says, "Hoow abouht wwe make a deal."
Chaote Lughaighe says, "Go on..."
With a sudden look of concentration, Ironbeard the Magnanimous smiles a crooked smile, rubs his ample stomach, and fades to nothingness, followed by the sound of a distant belch.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Hiis deal is that he leaves?"
The corners of Sksez's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
<10 seconds pass>
The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the undisputed intensity of a Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile about himself as he arrives.
With a crooked grin, Ironbeard the Magnanimous gushes, "Because it's a special time. A special celebration, Sksez!"
"Wow!" Sksez exclaims!
Grinning, Ironbeard the Magnanimous says, "Juhst to eome back!"
You stumble and fall in your alcoholic haze.
You lose purchase on a roseate dream phoenix with gossamer wings of ethereal light.
You are afflicted with sprawled.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says to you, "Oh, are you already druunk?"
With a sudden look of concentration, Ironbeard the Magnanimous smiles a crooked smile, rubs his ample stomach, and fades to nothingness, followed by the sound of a distant belch.
Grinning, you say, "Now, qo you bbelievve tHat I am good on Mmy word?"
The corners of Sksez's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Sksez utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says to you, "Knew it was you."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says to you, "Someone's on my naughty list."
You let out a deep breath and release yourself from performing.
You giggle happily.
Blushing, you say, "I was going to send you two on a quest! For candy!"
Sksez utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Lughaighe sways drunkenly and falls to the ground in an undignified heap.
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Wait..."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says to you, "Were you faking bein *hic* g drunk?"
You hum a happy tune.
Chaote Lughaighe says, "I *hic* would neveeeerr."
Revolutionary Sir Sksez, Noble Liberator of Pastries says, "Well, I for one am hurt."
You speedwalk up to at the summit of Avechna's Peak.
Your karma falls to keep up the karmic blessing of war.
You speedwalk west to before Avechna the Avenger.
You have reached your destination.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
A taurian pilgrim says, "Oh, I thank you, Tylwyth! You have been most kind to lead the 5 of us up the Peak. Here, please take this small amount of gold as a gesture of our thanks."
The group of 5 pilgrims gathers, offering their thanks and giving you several small bags of gold before departing to the alcoves for private meditations.
You have completed the pilgrim challenge for five days out of five.
Congratulations! You have completed the consecutive pilgrim challenge for the one-hundred time!
[ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Blessed Guide of Pilgrims' achievement! Wow! You have definitely earned 250 credits!
The blessing of Avechna falls upon you as thanks for assisting wandering mortals in their pilgrimage.
(Peasantface): Lerad (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "It's been so long." 13662h, 10254m, 9390e, 10p, 26660en, 26660w mBelrx<>- (Peasantface): Lerad (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "I've forgotten how to bash."
Resolutions are already working as intended, getting people to do things!
Beloved Nirsaad, Zeebin al-Saaoud says, "I've never overthrown anyone before - am I doing it right?"
The Scarlet Lion, Captain Rolan Vessandril, Seneschal of the Rule says to Zeebin, "That poke was just SLIGHTLY too soon. An aethership exploded shortly after you did it."
Beloved Nirsaad, Zeebin al-Saaoud says, "Oh. Well. Butterflies, you know."
(Glade): Tevona says, "Greetings friendly peasants, it is I, Tevona, the most alluring and talented Bard to have graced this land. I do hope you are prepared for some delightful, yet thought provoking, songs." (Glade): Torgaddon (from the Astral Plane) says, "Indeed, a good song and dance would be quiet pleasurable." (Glade): Torgaddon (from the Astral Plane) says, "When shall we expect your first performance?" (Glade): Tevona says, "Hahaha oh torgaddon, you do always amuse me so. That is why we have come to enjoy you, despite your odor. Well, you may experience my musical prowless shortly."
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Very rapidly, a curious mugwump pilgrim exclaims, "Well this has been lovely thank you so much I will tell all my friends but I have to go now, goodbye!"
A curious mugwump pilgrim flings a bag full of coins at you face in the vain hope of distracting you. The bag thuds against your cheek, coins spilling from within in a glittering display of wealth. As the commotion clears, you spot the pilgrim making off at top speed.
You feel you have learned something from trying to teach a curious mugwump pilgrim about the Wyrd, and that your efforts have not been entirely in vain.
A mugwump pilgrim flees hastily to the down.
The skittering of spindly legs shakes the boughs of the Glomdoring as a chase begins.
A curious mugwump pilgrim yells, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ahhhh! Call off the spiders, please!"
Rowena Nightshade yells, "The Wyrd feeds again, I see!"
Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."
The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable. Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.
A barren stretch of flesh.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. Waving in
the astral winds, a sparkleberry bush drinks up the power laden
atmosphere here. Devoid of energy, a crystalline power node pushes up
from the ground here.A luminous pool of radiant light flows over the
ground, filling the area with its soothing glow. Sniffing at the air, a
great brindle mastiff stands here with a cheerful demeanor. Growling
softly, a hideous maned lion with a blonde swishing tail stalks here. A
monstrous lobstrosity crouches here, clicking its red pincers. A tall,
willowy figure resplendent in pristine white plumage is here, warbling
an enchanting hymn. Clothed in starry robes of Void-spun brocade, a
Merchant of Thelem waits here.
You see exits leading northeast and west.
A barren stretch of flesh.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. Waving in
the astral winds, a sparkleberry bush drinks up the power laden
atmosphere here. Devoid of energy, a crystalline power node pushes up
from the ground here.A luminous pool of radiant light flows over the
ground, filling the area with its soothing glow. Sniffing at the air, a
great brindle mastiff stands here with a cheerful demeanor. Growling
softly, a hideous maned lion with a blonde swishing tail stalks here. A
monstrous lobstrosity crouches here, clicking its red pincers. A tall,
willowy figure resplendent in pristine white plumage is here, warbling
an enchanting hymn. Clothed in starry robes of Void-spun brocade, a
Merchant of Thelem waits here.
You see exits leading northeast and west.
I'm actually just curious.. what was the reasoning behind draining that node? @Enadonella@Rolan
Very rapidly, a curious mugwump pilgrim exclaims, "Well this has been lovely thank you so much I will tell all my friends but I have to go now, goodbye!"
A curious mugwump pilgrim flings a bag full of coins at you face in the vain hope of distracting you. The bag thuds against your cheek, coins spilling from within in a glittering display of wealth. As the commotion clears, you spot the pilgrim making off at top speed.
You feel you have learned something from trying to teach a curious mugwump pilgrim about the Wyrd, and that your efforts have not been entirely in vain.
A mugwump pilgrim flees hastily to the down.
The skittering of spindly legs shakes the boughs of the Glomdoring as a chase begins.
A curious mugwump pilgrim yells, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ahhhh! Call off the spiders, please!"
Rowena Nightshade yells, "The Wyrd feeds again, I see!"
You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow. You move about quickly and lose a cow.
Breandryn enters from the ether, emanating an aura of immense power. Breandryn bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Breandryn bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Breandryn bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
A cow chews some cud. A cow lets out a loud, long 'MOOOOOOOOOOO!'
Barely audible whispers permeate the air as Jarenko enters from the ether, a cloud of translucent figures trailing after. Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Filled with disgust, Jarenko spits directly in Breandryn's face.
A cone of sparkling light rises up around Jarenko and whisks him away. Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
A wash of starlight swirls in from the ether, swirling together and spiraling upwards before blossoming, revealing the form of Laxinova. Laxinova bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Laxinova bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Laxinova bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Laxinova bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Laxinova blinks.
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
The air ripples with celestial energy as Cassander marches in from the ether, his form radiant and bold. Cassander bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Xeii steps out of the Aetherplex Chamber, trailing sparkling motes of light. Xeii bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Xeii bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Xeii bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Xeii bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Xeii bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan steps out of the Aetherplex Chamber, trailing sparkling motes of light. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
A cone of sparkling light rises up around Kistan and whisks him away. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Nefara gives a cow the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously. A cow lets out a loud, long 'MOOOOOOOOOOO!'
Nefara bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle. Nefara bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan arrives from the ether. Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
You speedwalk up to at the summit of Avechna's Peak.
Your karma falls to keep up the karmic blessing of war.
You speedwalk west to before Avechna the Avenger.
You have reached your destination.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
A taurian pilgrim says, "Oh, I thank you, Tylwyth! You have been most kind to lead the 5 of us up the Peak. Here, please take this small amount of gold as a gesture of our thanks."
The group of 5 pilgrims gathers, offering their thanks and giving you several small bags of gold before departing to the alcoves for private meditations.
You have completed the pilgrim challenge for five days out of five.
Congratulations! You have completed the consecutive pilgrim challenge for the one-hundred time!
[ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Blessed Guide of Pilgrims' achievement! Wow! You have definitely earned 250 credits!
The blessing of Avechna falls upon you as thanks for assisting wandering mortals in their pilgrimage.
Did it!
Tonight amidst the mountaintops
And endless starless night
Singing how the wind was lost
Before an earthly flight
Ironbeard and @Phoebus timing is on point.
Discord: Rey#1460
13662h, 10254m, 9390e, 10p, 26660en, 26660w mBelrx<>-
(Peasantface): Lerad (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "I've forgotten how to bash."
Resolutions are already working as intended, getting people to do things!
my brain read this as forge-me-not stationary and I had quite a laugh about it.
You say to Kali, "Get me a few letters please."
Kali Ladyn says, "A!"
Kali Ladyn says, "J."
Kali Ladyn says, "Q."
Kali Ladyn says, "Letters!"
Kali cackles hellishly.
You flail about helplessly.
Beloved Nirsaad, Zeebin al-Saaoud says, "It isn't working."
Beloved Nirsaad, Zeebin al-Saaoud says, "I've never overthrown anyone before - am I doing it right?"
The Scarlet Lion, Captain Rolan Vessandril, Seneschal of the Rule says to Zeebin, "That poke was just SLIGHTLY too soon. An aethership exploded shortly after you did it."
Beloved Nirsaad, Zeebin al-Saaoud says, "Oh. Well. Butterflies, you know."
Nika tells you, "Krokani breath! I could go for Talan."- She really wants you, @Talan
An ice spectre tells you, "Mnemosyne murdered the mystery of life."- How could you be so harsh!? @Mnemosyne
You say, "The Lady could not ask for a better protector or guardian."
(Glade): Tevona says, "Greetings friendly peasants, it is I, Tevona, the most alluring and talented Bard to have graced this land. I do hope you are prepared for some delightful, yet thought provoking, songs."
(Glade): Torgaddon (from the Astral Plane) says, "Indeed, a good song and dance would be quiet pleasurable."
(Glade): Torgaddon (from the Astral Plane) says, "When shall we expect your first performance?"
(Glade): Tevona says, "Hahaha oh torgaddon, you do always amuse me so. That is why we have come to enjoy you, despite your odor. Well, you may experience my musical prowless shortly."
The skittering of spindly legs shakes the boughs of the Glomdoring as a chase begins.
A curious mugwump pilgrim yells, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ahhhh! Call off the spiders, please!"
Rowena Nightshade yells, "The Wyrd feeds again, I see!"
The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.
You see exits leading northeast and west.
(Clan): Someone says, "I hate assholes so I'm going to be an asshole to this asshole. That'll show that asshole."
(Clan): Someone says, "I pass my stuff around for free all the time."
"Tossing your cares behind you, you groove to the beat of the song playing in your soul."
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
You move about quickly and lose a cow.
Breandryn enters from the ether, emanating an aura of immense power.
Breandryn bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Breandryn bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Breandryn bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
A cow chews some cud.
A cow lets out a loud, long 'MOOOOOOOOOOO!'
Barely audible whispers permeate the air as Jarenko enters from the ether, a cloud of translucent figures trailing after.
Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Filled with disgust, Jarenko spits directly in Breandryn's face.
A cone of sparkling light rises up around Jarenko and whisks him away.
Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Jarenko bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
A wash of starlight swirls in from the ether, swirling together and spiraling upwards before blossoming, revealing the form of Laxinova.
Laxinova bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Laxinova bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Laxinova bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Laxinova bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Laxinova blinks.
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
The air ripples with celestial energy as Cassander marches in from the ether, his form radiant and bold.
Cassander bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Xeii steps out of the Aetherplex Chamber, trailing sparkling motes of light.
Xeii bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Xeii bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Xeii bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Xeii bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Xeii bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan steps out of the Aetherplex Chamber, trailing sparkling motes of light.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
A cone of sparkling light rises up around Kistan and whisks him away.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Nefara gives a cow the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
A cow lets out a loud, long 'MOOOOOOOOOOO!'
Nefara bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Nefara bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
Kistan arrives from the ether.
Kistan bumps into a cow as it wanders aimlessly in a circle.
A sentence I had to form, with no small amount of regret, towards @Feoragan