Tweets VII: Tweet Child of Mine



  • edited April 2017
    As cacophony, I would powerspikes then force sip vitae. Then they nerfed it.

    That being said, forcing people off balance with trade skills is probably not intended and should be bugged. The multiples command was added for convenience and QoL, not a screw you button in PvP. They've definitely trended away from making ez mode kills with commands (see: power restrictions, empty phlegmatic, etc.)

    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • Hah! That's a cute one.
    Discord: Pharanyx#4357
  • Another hilarious one that's now not possible was debating somebody under egovice, in octave, while they were serpented.
    Discord: Pharanyx#4357
  • And while I'm at it, who remembers when I had to envoy crotamine because it was being used with Fleshstone? That one was pretty vile.
    Discord: Pharanyx#4357
  • More cheese:
    Using a focus mind illusion paired with TP's ministun to fool systems into thinking they cured recklessness.
    Triggering aeonfield dropping (where they'll be half ego) to Mindburst.
    A really gimmicky Timequake setup that only sometimes works: Oracle + Echoes, wait for 10p, shatterplex->displacement, refresh power and wait for them to exit, insta timequake.
    Dominate tumble into nexus, my one and only issue was for that.
    m&m used to break entirely on a truss illusion.

    Not a kill exactly, but dominating Vadi to choke Sidd was especially satisfying.
  • edited April 2017
    Not mentioning names, but there was some incident where stratagems were abused that led to a guaranteed shatterplex. It was basically causing all systems to not register afflictions. At all.

    (Pretty sure said person got shrubbed for that, too).
    Discord: Pharanyx#4357
  • Taer said:
    Not mentioning names, but there was some incident where stratagems were abused that led to a guaranteed shatterplex. It was basically causing all systems to not register afflictions. At all.

    (Pretty sure said person got shrubbed for that, too).
    If you're talking about what I think (with the wand of illusions), then no shrubbing IIRC, but it did get nerfed. I'm pretty sure systems could've adapted to that with a little work, though.

    I kind of miss all the fun things you could do with illusions, but gmcp, affmessages and generally better systems have affected it pretty hard.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    One time, Narsrim raided Celestia. He'd sit at Japhiel and wait, and when people would come in and try to run him off, he'd Darkmaster (dominate) people into kicking the Supernal. 

    Old school Starhymn was horrible, but it was also under-represented in combatants. AG (Ethelon's system) didn't have triggers for it, and I think early M&M didn't have triggers for it either for a short while. Blanknote>Pfarewell>Dsong worked almost every time. One time early on as Pesukaru, I got declared by Ruiku in the middle of Alabaster, and I did just that. He ended up issuing me for "bug abuse, Cantors shouldn't have passive aeon". 
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • edited April 2017
    I remember crotamine/fleshstone. 

    I used spam twist/refresh power/toad to gank people in faethorn all the time. 9/10 times m&m couldn't keep up with the drain spam with masked aeon thrown in the mix. 

    I'm convinced one of the reasons people think SD is so OP is because this was my #1 gank method.

    Fillin used to use programmed illusions to crash mud clients. It was like serverside choke. 
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    edited April 2017
    -gust people into the lava room/icedigger pit
    -classic Astral gank by overlinking. Easy with capacitor and serpent. Added grief with choke
    -zaptrain Celina
    -springtrap into avatar
    -teleport to colossus and murder
    -slowly force drink absinthe
    -unleash staff/bomb, especially when phantomsphere detonate was a thing
    -old pratfall
    -lust/empress into catacombs murder room with a war shrine
    -invasion mobs in enemy territory during a raid
    -any solo timed insta kill, feels unearned but hey it worked. I liked lust to remove enemy, timeslip, then throw.
    -hallways welcome gank
    -force ECHO anything
    -debate mindburst

    A lot of these have since been made impossible, but it sure was "fun".

  •  More than one of those will get you shrubbed. Not saying which ones, though some are pretty lulzy in that list.
    Discord: Pharanyx#4357
  • Fyler said:
    As cacophony, I would powerspikes then force sip vitae. Then they nerfed it.

    That being said, forcing people off balance with trade skills is probably not intended and should be bugged. The multiples command was added for convenience and QoL, not a screw you button in PvP. They've definitely trended away from making ez mode kills with commands (see: power restrictions, empty phlegmatic, etc.)

    Goddamn quote trap.

    I bugged the force-ink thing as soon as we got out of the arena. It's been unforceable for years now. Along with that, we also discovered force release kirigami/wetfold for an EZ manadrain. lulz all around.
    Accountability is necessary.
  • edited April 2017
    Shuyin said:

    -zaptrain Celina

    Still jerks for this one. 

    When I was a baby Geomancer, I was convinced by Narsrim to meld the Illithoid prison exit room and turn PK careful off. Someone else choked it. 

    20+ kills later, I was peaced for a week. 
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us

  • Not my creation but I do know force cannibalise mana/toad. Used to the a thing.  

  • Shedrin said:
     I spammed a web illusion on her so she was perma off balance while I built vessels into Heartburst.
    This still works on a surprisingly large amount of people. It was great getting people to mmignore web to stop the writhe spam, then abjure web on them when they started getting ahead of you.

    My funnest was when Rolsand tried to gank me in Lirangsha while I was influencing.. He kept running and ended up pulling like 10 dominators with him, so I just icewalled him into them, back in December or so when there was the bug with tumble not going over walls.
    Discord:    Rey#1460
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    There was a (very short) period of time where if you Crow Swooped someone when you were flying, it was an instakill regardless of the victim's mana level.

    Turns out you weren't supposed to be able to Crow Swoop from the air.  Oops.
  • There was a popular illusion with hack down, sap, and even had the RoA line to trick damage checks that sent systems into death spirals. 
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    edited April 2017
    It's OK, I'm gonna destroy illusions to make up for my subpar curing.
  • Sitting outside the lava room by Morgs Realm with fear aura up. Getting declared, Failed to gust me into the lava, and said person subsequently getting feared into the lava the very next tick was pretty cheesy. 
  • OG ppk
  • EritheylEritheyl ** Trigger Warning **
    Phoebus said:
    Eritheyl said:
    It makes me really uncomfortable when people openly talk about and for their alts IC. Like...could you not do that.
    Have had a really awkward experience where someone made a fool of themselves on one character, logged out, and immediately came in on another like "heeey guuuys who was that and what was the issue that I somehow know about despite not being here? Oh I see, well don't be too hard on them! I'm totally unaware of who this mysterious stranger is, but I'm extremely invested in your opinion of them! Ok, bye!" So subtle. I was cringing inside.
    That's literally the kind of thing that's going on. They've gone so far as to talk to their alt's fiance, IN PUBLIC, about how great the alt is. why are people like this.
    Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."


    With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
  • um...ordassa has had a very bad day
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Phoebus said:
    Eritheyl said:
    It makes me really uncomfortable when people openly talk about and for their alts IC. Like...could you not do that.
    Have had a really awkward experience where someone made a fool of themselves on one character, logged out, and immediately came in on another like "heeey guuuys who was that and what was the issue that I somehow know about despite not being here? Oh I see, well don't be too hard on them! I'm totally unaware of who this mysterious stranger is, but I'm extremely invested in your opinion of them! Ok, bye!" So subtle. I was cringing inside.
    I've had this exact thing before. I just issued it /shrug. 
  • Sorry for the abrupt exit of Ruin and I, Hallifax - my partner managed to slice their hand open with a craft knife :# (They're fine, though we may be mourning the very expensive shirt they were wearing).
This discussion has been closed.