I used to have "serial" dreams too (not so much anymore since I changed medications, turns out vivid dreams were a side effect). It was like these "worlds" I would visit, and each dream might be a little different but they're in the same place or whatever.
More specifically, one of my serial dreams is about visiting my hometown and it's abandoned and there's always "that" house. And another is that my cat or dog has been outside in the snow for like, days, and they're frozen and starving because apparently I had forgotten to let them in, and I feel unspeakably guilty.
So weird to find someone else has such similar dreams!
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
I made the appointment to have my best friend of 16 years euthenized tomorrow evening. We'll have one more day to spend together.
Oh, Daraius. I'm so sorry. I know how much you mean to each other. If you ever want to blow off steam and play Armello or something this week, I'm here.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
I took a nap today, woke up laying on the couch with my nieces(they live 2 states and 12 hours eastward) having come over and the middle one yelling at me for not getting up and hugging them. Then actually I woke up. I hate those dreams
Starting to worry about a friend. Nobody's seen him in our social circle since Saturday morning, and I found reports of flooding in his area. It's not unearthed of for his internet to just go down FNAR, but it's been a long while since it did so for this long.
Just spent the last 5 days moving from a 2400 square foot 4 bedroom house, 2 car garage + shop on 18 acres into a 400 square foot 3 bedroom townhouse with no yard and just a small private deck... My place looks like a scene out of Hoarders right now.
Just spent the last 5 days moving from a 2400 square foot 4 bedroom house, 2 car garage + shop on 18 acres into a 400 square foot 3 bedroom townhouse with no yard and just a small private deck... My place looks like a scene out of Hoarders right now.
Wait, how do you fit 3 bedrooms in 400 square feet...?
Just spent the last 5 days moving from a 2400 square foot 4 bedroom house, 2 car garage + shop on 18 acres into a 400 square foot 3 bedroom townhouse with no yard and just a small private deck... My place looks like a scene out of Hoarders right now.
Wait, how do you fit 3 bedrooms in 400 square feet...?
I can only assume he's moved to NYC. If so, welcome, and why are you renting in Manhattan.
Just spent the last 5 days moving from a 2400 square foot 4 bedroom house, 2 car garage + shop on 18 acres into a 400 square foot 3 bedroom townhouse with no yard and just a small private deck... My place looks like a scene out of Hoarders right now.
Wait, how do you fit 3 bedrooms in 400 square feet...?
Just spent the last 5 days moving from a 2400 square foot 4 bedroom house, 2 car garage + shop on 18 acres into a 400 square foot 3 bedroom townhouse with no yard and just a small private deck... My place looks like a scene out of Hoarders right now.
I feel your pain. I went from a larger house to a little 1 bedroom place. I was begging friends to take stuff I couldn't move with me.
5.0 liters of blood in my body 5.0 liters of blood Oops I forgot I'm not drinking enough 4.7 liters of blood in my body
4.7 liters of blood in my body 4.7 liters of blood Last week docs Ran tests and drew some of it 4.67 liters of blood in my body
"Oh would you look at that." "What's up, doc?" "Seems that Selenity's anemic." "That's sure a shame." "Low hemoglobin, iron, and seems they have trouble getting water in..."
4.67 liters of blood in my body 4.67 liters of blood Yesterday doctors Wanted to run some more tests 4.64 liters of blood in my body
Just spent the last 5 days moving from a 2400 square foot 4 bedroom house, 2 car garage + shop on 18 acres into a 400 square foot 3 bedroom townhouse with no yard and just a small private deck... My place looks like a scene out of Hoarders right now.
Wait, what. This can't be real. My 2 bedroom in DC was like 700 sq feet and we shared a bathroom and a closet, and was still cramped. It wasn't even a real 2 bedroom, we just converted the "sun room" into a bedroom.
People ask why I moved to Dallas from DC. My Dallas apartment is 1700 square feet and my bathroom is big enough to be a bedroom.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
Oh, right my dissatisfaction is I find out about "surprise" pay cut in about 2 hours. 2 hour meeting to listen to corporate meatheads try to explain why record profits translates to lower pay.
I also cover NW Arkansas which is under water and declared a state of emergency. Do I get any help for that? If by help you mean a smaller paycheck, then yes!
I hate looking for new jobs.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
To whomever it was that decided to go from final story boss into a legendary Pokemon battle, into an unskippable cutscene, on a handheld: You have brought incurable dishonor on your family. I hope you're proud of yourself.
Oh, right my dissatisfaction is I find out about "surprise" pay cut in about 2 hours. 2 hour meeting to listen to corporate meatheads try to explain why record profits translates to lower pay.
I also cover NW Arkansas which is under water and declared a state of emergency. Do I get any help for that? If by help you mean a smaller paycheck, then yes!
I hate looking for new jobs.
Hey, that reminds me. My yard (here in NW Arkansas) is underwater. Can I has money?
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
And now I can add PCOS to the list of crap I have. I can't do the hormonal treatments either because they make me depressed. Welp.
Anyone got a spare body they can just throw my way?
I'm in the same boat as you. I have PCOS as well. I got married in November and we've been TTC since we got engaged.
Augh, sorry to hear you're afflicted too. *Hug!* Good luck with TTC. Hope your doc has been supporting you the whole way through, I hear there are treatment to help with it if you have PCOS.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Trying to schedule time sensitive things and people aren't returning my phone calls and aaaaah I just want things done before it's too late to do them
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Always the talk and reminder that 'you're not alone' and yet I always find myself very much alone. I find myself in a position where I know I'm being irrational over a little thing but it's because I'M HAVING A FUCKING MELTDOWN but no. Alone. Always alone. Everyone cares about people until it's me hanging by a fraying thread, then it's probably a cry for attention or an overreaction or lolwhocaresabouther. Maybe it is all those things. I am so so alone, and realising it more and more.
Until recently, I felt the same. Some of the playerbase has been amazing and straight up inspiring in the regard of caring about how their fellow players feel, even if the topic isn't Lusternia related.
I used to have "serial" dreams too (not so much anymore since I changed medications, turns out vivid dreams were a side effect). It was like these "worlds" I would visit, and each dream might be a little different but they're in the same place or whatever.
More specifically, one of my serial dreams is about visiting my hometown and it's abandoned and there's always "that" house.
So weird to find someone else has such similar dreams!
5.0 liters of blood
Oops I forgot
I'm not drinking enough
4.7 liters of blood in my body
4.7 liters of blood in my body
4.7 liters of blood
Last week docs
Ran tests and drew some of it
4.67 liters of blood in my body
"Oh would you look at that."
"What's up, doc?"
"Seems that Selenity's anemic."
"That's sure a shame."
"Low hemoglobin, iron, and seems they have trouble getting water in..."
4.67 liters of blood in my body
4.67 liters of blood
Yesterday doctors
Wanted to run some more tests
4.64 liters of blood in my body
Discord: Rey#1460
People ask why I moved to Dallas from DC. My Dallas apartment is 1700 square feet and my bathroom is big enough to be a bedroom.
I also cover NW Arkansas which is under water and declared a state of emergency. Do I get any help for that? If by help you mean a smaller paycheck, then yes!
I hate looking for new jobs.
Anyone got a spare body they can just throw my way?
"You're not alone."
"Yeah? Then show me these other people. Are they invisible?"