It's frustrating that once I pointed out that I didn't take skills, the accusation then shifted to me stealing a mount.
You were a Shadowlord Faeling while living in Serenwilde, no matter for how long. Being a Shadowlord Faeling is due to having the Crow Skillset (among others) while being a Faeling. Not much more we need to say.
Not only that, but you didn't even roleplay leaving. So far as I knew, you were happy in Glomdoring, enjoying going on hunts and whatnot, and then just up and left. Kind of like Tua, but at least she was semi-fresh from out of the Portal. That, in and of itself, is a reason why an org should enemy you, betraying your org for an enemy org. At one people, most orgs did the same thing. You're not a special snowflake, Glomdoring didn't make up some special rules to grief you or cost you lessons in some kind of OOC emo hatefest. You made a cognizant choice to move from one org to an opposing org, and there were repercussions. Suck it up, drive on, and I hope Serenwilde works out for you and you stick around.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
You guys are really twisting my words. In my view this is what happened: I changed orgs. I sent very long thank you messages and apologies to make it clear that I wasn't trying to be rude and that I was grateful for my time spent there. I logged back in, read messages about being enemied to many places and was told I had a bounty, because I had stolen skills. I wasn't trying to do that and had assumed I'd lose org-skills when I left since most of the ABs refer to the Master Ravenwood, so I read help files and figured out how to quit and quit the skills fully, including the root skill trees - I was planning on staying a Druid, but once I realized I had wasted any cross-over lessons with my panic, I kinda gave up on that.That's what I mean by losing lessons. I did not retain any skills, but people still send me tells, as recently as like 2 days ago, shitting on me for stealing skills. I wasn't hunted a ton, but every time someone shows up, they reference that. Every time someone kills my wolf, they reference that. It's TIRING being called a traitor and a thief when all I wanted was to be in an org that matched my online play time.
No one brands and hunts down new players over leaving orgs, period. It's just not a thing that happens.
But that is exactly what happened. I didn't retain the skills, and I even unlearned the base skills.
The crow is another issue - it wasn't mentioned or inquired about until 3 days ago. I don't take him out and I approached a few Divine looking for potential routes to deal with him. Mechanically, I don't think he even is a Blacktalon crow, though? He lost the innate skills. In any case, I'm not going around flaunting him or even using him. He's chilling in Kiadoka while I find a way to change him or send him to a happy crow farm or whatnot. It's frustrating that once I pointed out that I didn't take skills, the accusation then shifted to me stealing a mount.
Let's ease up on the personal attacks here, guys. I made a mistake in the wording of a message when explaining why she was enemied. I said skills of Crow instead of gifts of Crow in the message (the enemying reason is correctly worded saying gifts of Crow meaning BT specific skills and items. She could have kept druidry for all I cared. Just drop Crow and don't take the crow mount with you). That may be part of the confusion.
Can we just back off a bit? What's likely here is that there was some miscommunication between older players who may have assumed some things are just well-known and from a newer player who was under a bit of stress after finding herself enemied and threatened by her friends.
There's no need for some of the stuff that's being said. You're not proving yourself to anyone by jumping in and attacking a player over something that doesn't really affect you.
No one brands and hunts down new players over leaving orgs, period. It's just not a thing that happens.
But that is exactly what happened. I didn't retain the skills, and I even unlearned the base skills.
No, you were not hunted down for leaving Glomdoring. I don't know how to make it more clear. You were not singled out among the hundreds and hundreds of new players that switch orgs without any consequences every day. You were singled out because you didn't drop the skills, The Crow comes from Blacktalon specific druidry in Glomdoring only. It is not accessible any other way.
I'm sorry this has been a rough experience, and I'm sorry there has been some confusion surrounding the situation or that the skill is the same as the mount itself was not explained clearly enough. However, the issue and the solution has been explained to you at this point.
Let's ease up on the personal attacks here, guys. I made a mistake in the wording of a message when explaining why she was enemied. I said skills of Crow instead of gifts of Crow in the message (the enemying reason is correctly worded saying gifts of Crow meaning BT specific skills and items. She could have kept druidry for all I cared. Just drop Crow and don't take the crow mount with you). That may be part of the confusion.
As for people attacking her that's on them. I encouraged a bounty until she dropped the skill. Nobody took the offer. I rescinded the bounty. Those attacking her now are doing so on their own. Was it petty to do so? Sure. Glomdoring is a jealous and hateful organization that only cares about itself. I don't see how that is overbearing but hey, I'm on the other end of the situation.
To be fair @Crek as soon as you put up the bounty up I tried to claim it, I attacked her when she was hunting illithoid but she ran away.
I then saw @Xenthos later on kill her in the underhive so I had just assumed that he had claimed the bounty and stopped bothering her.
I thought that was quite lenient I mean people could have kept attacking her but well I figured one death was enough, I mean to put it into context for you @Breandyrn I was slain twice in the underhive as a newbieish just for being there hunting kephera and this was before I was an enemy to anyone at all. Which was fine, I mean I hunt in the dangerous areas I expect trouble.
I've also been jumped and murdered on Astral by enemies to the Commune even when I wasn't an enemy.
Now I've raided it happens even more, I'm a target and well thats fine, its part of the fun of the game.
Breandryn is a known enemy to glomdoring and has raided ether glomdoring with others before if I remember correctly. I mean the crow does seem to be an issue you need to sort out but in general I've not seen you murdered much more than anyone else? I mean remember that time we bumped into each other on astral and I was all like eh rp wise I should be attacking you as you had very recently been helping fights in ethereal but I was like eh couldn't be bothered starting a fight so just gave you a frown I mean the same thing happens to mean sometimes I get jumped on astral by enemies other times they sort of just go eh and walk past me. Either way I expect it and accept it as part of the game and the roleplay.
TBH, I'd be willing to accept "stays in the stable until I can find something to do with him" as a solution to "has a crow/dragonturtle/phoenix/thunderbird/wyrm/stag" because 1)how are you going to verify that it's dead-dead, and 2) the thing might have a credit-upgrade, making it permanent and non-tradeable
I did not claim the bounty. I did not even know there was a bounty (probably just missed it) at the time. The Prison thing was a one-off that Breandryn and I talked through at the time-- I generally don't go jumping people, after all-- and I haven't bothered her since. Obviously someone has, or this would not be coming up, but I do feel it is important to understand why it is A Big Deal to Glomdoring if someone owns a crow in Serenwilde (and, as Lehki implied, it is also something that they do not like much).
Luce: That Hallifaxian is essentially perma-enemied to Shikari's order because she did collar that worg before we found out she had it. Spending credits on the beast does not mean everyone should just ignore the RP aspects of the situation.
(She was thinking of customizing it some day, so if she does that is an out, but unfortunately it is an expensive one-- it is stated in the enemy notes that the moment she "does not own the worg" she can be unenemied though, so no other hoops to jump through, at least)
Nah, they happen a bit more frequently than that. IIRC, I calculated it to every 80-90'ish IC months or so? I don't have the code I checked it with handy, so yeah; can't get any closer than that right now.
Wasn't there a huge event that was based around a syzgys happening awhile back? Like we got invaded by a bunch of creepy skulls because everything was in Skull?
I did not claim the bounty. I did not even know there was a bounty (probably just missed it) at the time. The Prison thing was a one-off that Breandryn and I talked through at the time-- I generally don't go jumping people, after all-- and I haven't bothered her since. Obviously someone has, or this would not be coming up, but I do feel it is important to understand why it is A Big Deal to Glomdoring if someone owns a crow in Serenwilde (and, as Lehki implied, it is also something that they do not like much).
Luce: That Hallifaxian is essentially perma-enemied to Shikari's order because she did collar that worg before we found out she had it. Spending credits on the beast does not mean everyone should just ignore the RP aspects of the situation.
(She was thinking of customizing it some day, so if she does that is an out, but unfortunately it is an expensive one-- it is stated in the enemy notes that the moment she "does not own the worg" she can be unenemied though, so no other hoops to jump through, at least)
Ah @xenthos I just saw you kill her like a weave after the bounty was posted by crek so I just assumed you had and figured no point chasing it. Ah well either way much the same thing. I wouldn't have gone after her again either way what with one death on it.
In general though I've been playing this game for about threeish months now, I've been jumped and killed from quite early on its part of the game but no one has been overly mean or anything to me about it most people have been quite good natured and even helped me understand how I died better in the forums. If @Breandrynyou are actually getting harrassed then you really need to issue it as its not on and its not cool for people to be spoiling the game.
My experience of being killed has been pretty good and I don't know your full situation @Breandrynbut obviously there may be some folks who are specifically harassing you and if so get it reported and get it stopped, if the issue is upheld then problem solved right?
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
I don't know what counter-raiding is. I've defended ethereal Serenwilde when people come in. I don't think that makes me an aggressor...
Some people actually would think that, which is unfortunate. It's also entirely possible that as people were trying to determine who was fighting where, your name got mixed in. It's difficult to prove one way or the other unless someone has a log placing you in a specific place. And even if only exploring, opposed nations will still consider you to be a trespasser/raider.
In any case, the good news is that people won't hunt you forever just for being an enemy. If the Crow is the problem, that needs to be taken care of though. Not only will people in Glomdoring continue to hunt you for "stealing" the animal, people in Serenwilde, if they see you with it, will also get upset. Once that's taken care of, enemy status means little unless you're active in PvP.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
No but chasing people after they're out of org does.
ALSO wtb event to force drastic alliance changes
Bring back the Hai'gloh
Mention that to Ev and count how quickly he bashes your brain in (or at least imagines himself doing so).
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
No but chasing people after they're out of org does.
ALSO wtb event to force drastic alliance changes
Bring back the Hai'gloh
Mention that to Ev and count how quickly he bashes your brain in (or at least imagines himself doing so).
Well obviously nobody wants that shit back ICly.
I loved that shit though, even if it was a headache
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
It was a horrific IC experience, but I loved it too. Even though Ev had to bear @Lisaera's wrath for years after.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
No one's gonna want to change alliances with how bitter and deep the "North vs. South" mentality has gotten. Even if the current alliances were nuked from orbit, I doubt people would be willing to change who they play nice with, because it's plain to see that a lot of people's resentment has bled through from IC to OOC.
No one's gonna want to change alliances with how bitter and deep the "North vs. South" mentality has gotten. Even if the current alliances were nuked from orbit, I doubt people would be willing to change who they play nice with, because it's plain to see that a lot of people's resentment has bled through from IC to OOC.
Which makes me sad, because there's people on the North side I want to play with (and some I don't) and some orgs on the South I want to kick to the Sun (with the odd exceptional people I don't mind).
Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."
The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable. Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.
Not only that, but you didn't even roleplay leaving. So far as I knew, you were happy in Glomdoring, enjoying going on hunts and whatnot, and then just up and left. Kind of like Tua, but at least she was semi-fresh from out of the Portal. That, in and of itself, is a reason why an org should enemy you, betraying your org for an enemy org. At one people, most orgs did the same thing. You're not a special snowflake, Glomdoring didn't make up some special rules to grief you or cost you lessons in some kind of OOC emo hatefest. You made a cognizant choice to move from one org to an opposing org, and there were repercussions. Suck it up, drive on, and I hope Serenwilde works out for you and you stick around.
There's no need for some of the stuff that's being said. You're not proving yourself to anyone by jumping in and attacking a player over something that doesn't really affect you.
I'm sorry this has been a rough experience, and I'm sorry there has been some confusion surrounding the situation or that the skill is the same as the mount itself was not explained clearly enough. However, the issue and the solution has been explained to you at this point.
To be fair @Crek as soon as you put up the bounty up I tried to claim it, I attacked her when she was hunting illithoid but she ran away.
I then saw @Xenthos later on kill her in the underhive so I had just assumed that he had claimed the bounty and stopped bothering her.
I thought that was quite lenient I mean people could have kept attacking her but well I figured one death was enough, I mean to put it into context for you @Breandyrn I was slain twice in the underhive as a newbieish just for being there hunting kephera and this was before I was an enemy to anyone at all. Which was fine, I mean I hunt in the dangerous areas I expect trouble.
I've also been jumped and murdered on Astral by enemies to the Commune even when I wasn't an enemy.
Now I've raided it happens even more, I'm a target and well thats fine, its part of the fun of the game.
Breandryn is a known enemy to glomdoring and has raided ether glomdoring with others before if I remember correctly. I mean the crow does seem to be an issue you need to sort out but in general I've not seen you murdered much more than anyone else? I mean remember that time we bumped into each other on astral and I was all like eh rp wise I should be attacking you as you had very recently been helping fights in ethereal but I was like eh couldn't be bothered starting a fight so just gave you a frown
Side note, I completed my artisanal well ahead of the deadline! Woohoo!
Luce: That Hallifaxian is essentially perma-enemied to Shikari's order because she did collar that worg before we found out she had it. Spending credits on the beast does not mean everyone should just ignore the RP aspects of the situation.
(She was thinking of customizing it some day, so if she does that is an out, but unfortunately it is an expensive one-- it is stated in the enemy notes that the moment she "does not own the worg" she can be unenemied though, so no other hoops to jump through, at least)
I don't know what counter-raiding is. I've defended ethereal Serenwilde when people come in. I don't think that makes me an aggressor...
Ah @xenthos I just saw you kill her like a weave after the bounty was posted by crek so I just assumed you had and figured no point chasing it. Ah well either way much the same thing. I wouldn't have gone after her again either way what with one death on it.
In general though I've been playing this game for about threeish months now, I've been jumped and killed from quite early on its part of the game but no one has been overly mean or anything to me about it most people have been quite good natured and even helped me understand how I died better in the forums. If @Breandrynyou are actually getting harrassed then you really need to issue it as its not on and its not cool for people to be spoiling the game.
My experience of being killed has been pretty good and I don't know your full situation @Breandrynbut obviously there may be some folks who are specifically harassing you and if so get it reported and get it stopped, if the issue is upheld then problem solved right?
In any case, the good news is that people won't hunt you forever just for being an enemy. If the Crow is the problem, that needs to be taken care of though. Not only will people in Glomdoring continue to hunt you for "stealing" the animal, people in Serenwilde, if they see you with it, will also get upset. Once that's taken care of, enemy status means little unless you're active in PvP.
ALSO wtb event to force drastic alliance changes
I loved that shit though, even if it was a headache
The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.