the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    "That thing freaks me out and I thought we were rid of it," is why I didn't bring it up. I don't know what it does either, there's not explanation that came with it. It's just there. I think Rolsand gave it to me last night before he died maybe? 

    Definitely seems like the kind of thing you'd bring up, considering that it's good for us to know it's still in play. If you do really have this doll creepin' on you, I'm assuming you now have the ability to pass it along like a hot potato, if I'm remembering properly how it was implied to work?

    (In before Ushaara claims you have the doll in your car because you're making a skin suit out of everyone else and wearing their powers around.)
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Basically having an evil looking doll appear in my room that then connected me somehow with Ushaara's Victini is not something I wanted to start advertising. Largely because I don't know what it does now that Rolsand is dead. 
    Oop, ninja'd. Pretty sure he can still win posthumously if someone dies with the doll. Don't think it would disrupt our game at all if that's all it did, but honestly I don't know if it does anything else if it goes off. Maybe try burning it to death, to be safe.
  • Rolsand asked us to let him live one more night and we let him, now we gotta deal with his creepy doll. Well played @Rolsand.

    I think we were just lucky that Kilee turned out to be the SK on top of being a bad liar.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    I told you it was silly to trust him not to go for it if he was given the chance.  [-( 
  • Phoebus said:
    "That thing freaks me out and I thought we were rid of it," is why I didn't bring it up. I don't know what it does either, there's not explanation that came with it. It's just there. I think Rolsand gave it to me last night before he died maybe? 

    Definitely seems like the kind of thing you'd bring up, considering that it's good for us to know it's still in play. If you do really have this doll creepin' on you, I'm assuming you now have the ability to pass it along like a hot potato, if I'm remembering properly how it was implied to work?

    (In before Ushaara claims you have the doll in your car because you're making a skin suit out of everyone else and wearing their powers around.)
    Admittedly yes, as a member of town I probably should have said it early. My gut reaction was paranoia though, especially with how the town handled Rolsand so strangely, and keeping as much information to myself until it seems relevant or helpful.

    If we need proof I have the doll, I'm happy to pass it off. WHO WANTS IT?
  • I'm not sure if I missed it or not, but did @Ushaara explain exactly what he sees when he investigates someone? From what he posted, it seems he's a Tracker rather than (what I would call) an Investigator. Either that, or I might be the only one drawing that connection between Investigator and Cop...
  • Actually thinking back to Tremula's "I have a Rolsand role planned" this is perfect. He still has a chance to win, but can't frustrate everybody else with his weird posting style. Win/Win for everybody.

  • Phoebus said:
    "That thing freaks me out and I thought we were rid of it," is why I didn't bring it up. I don't know what it does either, there's not explanation that came with it. It's just there. I think Rolsand gave it to me last night before he died maybe? 

    Definitely seems like the kind of thing you'd bring up, considering that it's good for us to know it's still in play. If you do really have this doll creepin' on you, I'm assuming you now have the ability to pass it along like a hot potato, if I'm remembering properly how it was implied to work?

    (In before Ushaara claims you have the doll in your car because you're making a skin suit out of everyone else and wearing their powers around.)
    Admittedly yes, as a member of town I probably should have said it early. My gut reaction was paranoia though, especially with how the town handled Rolsand so strangely, and keeping as much information to myself until it seems relevant or helpful.

    If we need proof I have the doll, I'm happy to pass it off. WHO WANTS IT?
    Well, the other alternative would be to simply lynch you to get rid of it...
  • Ssaliss said:

    Phoebus said:
    "That thing freaks me out and I thought we were rid of it," is why I didn't bring it up. I don't know what it does either, there's not explanation that came with it. It's just there. I think Rolsand gave it to me last night before he died maybe? 

    Definitely seems like the kind of thing you'd bring up, considering that it's good for us to know it's still in play. If you do really have this doll creepin' on you, I'm assuming you now have the ability to pass it along like a hot potato, if I'm remembering properly how it was implied to work?

    (In before Ushaara claims you have the doll in your car because you're making a skin suit out of everyone else and wearing their powers around.)
    Admittedly yes, as a member of town I probably should have said it early. My gut reaction was paranoia though, especially with how the town handled Rolsand so strangely, and keeping as much information to myself until it seems relevant or helpful.

    If we need proof I have the doll, I'm happy to pass it off. WHO WANTS IT?
    Well, the other alternative would be to simply lynch you to get rid of it...
    There is that. The standard Creepy Girl on epic mafia needs the doll holder to die at night. :D 
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Give me the doll. It'll take at least a few tries to off me.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Vote Count?
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    edited July 2016
    Though it seems Champion Alec is still resting soundly against the trading machine, the village elder has been paying relatively close communication. He informs you:

    Vote Count -

    Ushaara: 3 (Othero, Sylandra, Iosion)
    Cyndarin: 1 (Ushaara)

    With 24 trainers alive, it's 13 to lynch!
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • Sylandra said:
    Give me the doll. It'll take at least a few tries to off me.

    You know, actually, your reveal of death immunities felt a little rushed to me. If you're town, the best use of that is to entice scum into coming after you to waste their kills. We were nowhere near going after you yet today that you'd be forced to show your hand and save town from wasting their lynch. =/
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Lehki said:
    Sylandra said:
    Give me the doll. It'll take at least a few tries to off me.

    You know, actually, your reveal of death immunities felt a little rushed to me. If you're town, the best use of that is to entice scum into coming after you to waste their kills. We were nowhere near going after you yet today that you'd be forced to show your hand and save town from wasting their lynch. =/

    While I understand what you're saying, my mentality was that I wanted to avoid a pointless lynch train. If you want to invite the pointless lynch train, by all means, but it will only prove what I said and no one will die today. That's not ideal for anybody. I could have waited until I potentially gained more suspicion, but that means wasting time. We would be having a similar conversation except it would go like this: "Awfully convenient of you to claim this while you're on the chopping block." I really don't think there's a good way to claim a kill immunity, honestly, but I'll concede your way is a valid way.

    In all seriousness I'm happy to take the doll.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    @Phoebus Maybe so, but as I said to Rolsand, every scenario we can rule out from sharing our wacky suspicions brings us closer to finding the true threat! Look at all the claims that people have made that can be tested out in future days!

    I may be confused but testable information is forthcoming! I also realise I'm painting myself as a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but  that's part of the fun of the game!

    Anyway, I know nothing further about the doll that what Rolsand revealed about it, so I really don't know what connection Cyndarin is trying to make with Victini in such a reveal.

    But anyway, puzzle through the following

    I claim to have investigated Melali Night 1.
    Silvanus claims to have investigated Melali Night 1.

    I claim to have tracked him down in the corridors and seen him interrogate a target, who I believe to be @Vivet based on her statements of Day 1.

    Silvanus claims Melali wasn't at home, theory is because he jailed himself.

    Melali cannot have been bussed since both of us who claim to have investigated him have seen different results.
    On several re-readings of my flavour message, I can't see anything that looks like a redirect suggested by @Cen. No foreboding feelings, no pokemon actions etc.

    Night 2
    I claim to have investigated Makaela, who is now @Weiwae on Night 2.
    Silvanus offers a claim of investigating a doctor.

    Silvanus knows his claim can't be called since if true, it would reveal the doctor, which none of us want. I will reveal Weiwae's role if I have to.

    As I have been saying all along, I am pushing this because it is my only direct evidence.


    At this point, I'm waiting on Vivet to see if what I observed matches up to anything like her own message. 

    No I cannot explain everything, and really, expecting me to when I have incomplete information is somewhat unreasonable. (I likely didn't help myself but trying to). I can only offer my information and share the suspicions that information leads me to. But I believe in this power-heavy a game, we do have to consider uncommon power roles.

    For the last time:

    From what my night messages informed me, which are my only reliable source, I believe an investigator (Melali) is running around who people are claiming is appearing as Cyndarin. Trying to provide a reason for such a discrepancy, since as I outlined above, I do not believe myself to have been subject to a redirect, I landed on someone is capable of assuming a disguise.

    And for the reasons outlined earlier, which I really don't want to distract people with again, I believe Cyndarin's claims are too convenient, and too full of inconsistencies to be truthful, which is why I've staked my solo-run against her, and feel obliged to stick it out.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Wait, you realize there's probably two town investigators, right? One for pokemon, one for trainers?
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    I can investigate pokemon OR trainers each night. I have only investigate trainers to now, so this pokedex rivalry theory someone spouted above doesn't include me!
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    You're really stuck on Melali and Cyndarin being a mafia dream team, huh @Ushaara? I'm curious why you think @Melali visited @Vivet.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • @Ushaara, I think you did see me. Did you see me go after someone, confiscating their pokeball and locking their arm behind their back, dragging them along to an empty car and interrogating them as a member of the PPD? Because if so, that was not Vivet. The person whom I actually detained that night is someone else, and can probably name me if you think it necessary. Regardless, I think that the flavor of Vivet's scanning is very different than an interrogation.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Don't make me delve into the ridiculous number of pages trying to find it again! :(

    Let's just wait for Vivet, but here, have one fragment of corroborating evidence for what I believe to be true, based on something Melali revealed himself.

    He is a member of the Pokemon Police. This is something I had no clue of. He is only lying about his power.

    This fits with my observation of an interrogation and ability to pull someone aside in the corridors!
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    I agree, Silvanus claiming to have tried investigating Melali but her not being there, and then you trying to investigate her and getting Cyndarin results points to no such redirection. Wouldn't you both be redirected at that point? Is it possible only you were redirected? 'Interrogating someone' does sound like the jailer as well though.


    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Here's my question @Ushaara - did you see something specifically that said pokedex investigator sort, or did you see something else. Please be specific about what you saw with Melali.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Right, but you're being hyper aggressive against a proven investigator based on shadows and whispers, and offering little evidence to support your theories. Plus the evidence you HAVE presented has been shot down. (ie: Melali being confirmed as jailer, Cyndarin offering proof that is verified by Krackenor.)

    I almost feel like you're treading dangerously close to Executioner territory, and you just want Cyndarin dead no matter the cost.

    Anyway, @Thul my matchmaking is based entirely on alignment, or so I've been lead to believe. Why would it fail to pair up two town members who I tried to pair up?
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    I've been using the word all along, it looked like an interrogation. No mention of a pokedex in my flavour message, but again, only working with what Tremula gives me!
  • Ushaara said:

    No I cannot explain everything, and really, expecting me to when I have incomplete information is somewhat unreasonable. (I likely didn't help myself but trying to). I can only offer my information and share the suspicions that information leads me to. But I believe in this power-heavy a game, we do have to consider uncommon power roles.

    For the last time:

    From what my night messages informed me, which are my only reliable source, I believe an investigator (Melali) is running around who people are claiming is appearing as Cyndarin. Trying to provide a reason for such a discrepancy, since as I outlined above, I do not believe myself to have been subject to a redirect, I landed on someone is capable of assuming a disguise.

    And for the reasons outlined earlier, which I really don't want to distract people with again, I believe Cyndarin's claims are too convenient, and too full of inconsistencies to be truthful, which is why I've staked my solo-run against her, and feel obliged to stick it out.
    That's ridiculous. You manufactured a theory about a specific pokemon with a specific power literally out of nothing. You even admit to googling for a solution that fit your theory, your proposed scenario isn't even based on the game. Expecting me to defend myself from questions grounded entirely in this scenario you created is the only unreasonable aspect of this exchange. Expecting you to fill in the blanks of your own scenario is the definition of reasonable. 

    If you can ask me why I'm appearing as allegedly two different people, it is exceptionally reasonable to expect you to have an answer for it as well. 

    This game is a puzzle and you're basically just smashing pieces into place and when pressed on why two pieces don't fit, you're basically throwing up your hands and going "well how am I supposed to know?"
  • And I'm saying that the flavor of "interrogation" was my jailing power, bringing someone in as a member of the PPD. Sylandra can also vouch for me on the point that I showed her my badge as PPD. As well as the person I interrogated the first night, but I'd rather they remain silent for now.

    As for the difference between the flavor I just said about the first night's jailing, and Sylandra's flavor about last night's, I have no hard information as to why. I can guess that it may be because of what information was already revealed, or it may be because there's a difference in the roles between Sylandra and Person 1, or it may just be Tremula's fancy.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    @Luce I realise I was trying to explain too much and argue against too many people which is why I've toned it down in the post above. That's everything I've observed, barring Weiwae's role, and my reasoning.

    I'm not an Executioner, I've just convinced myself that Cyndarin and Melali are scum, and with ~6 killers in play, catching two before I'm offed myself I'll consider a good result.

    As I said, that's everything, I'm waiting on Vivet, and if it's not enough to convince people, it's not enough.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    I'm actually fairly certain it's Tremula's fancy. The same action I took each night had wildly different (wonderful) flavours, but under the fluff, the information was the same.
  • To return to the realm of the somewhat more concrete... Cyndarin correctly named my mon. Also, can you go into a bit more detail about your night @Lehki ?
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