Also, a bunch of the random mountain rooms that are just lovingly described but usually overlooked
Agreed. We all got very aware of our mountain rooms since the Jungle Curse event (and relatively recently, when a player typoed tons of rooms that we didn't notice had some formatting errors via our prog cleanup).
@Irillia, if we had a lovechild what would his/her name and first tradeskill be? Also please answer Daraius's question.
This question is impossible to answer! Ideally, of course, our love child would be named something poetic and lovely like Auroraline and become the most artistic, creative forger the world has ever seen (in hopes of stepping out of her parents' shadows). However, because life is not ideal, I just know that our lovechild would be named "Steve" and his favorite trade skill will be Poisons.
@Sylandra (and anyone who cares to answer!): Do you have a particular approach to designing (e.g. outlining, drafting, focus grouping) or can you just spin ideas off the dome? Do you find certain trades more inspiring than others?
My approach is very similar to @Zyphora's, which is probably why we collaborate so well creatively. Not only do I research Wikipedia, Google Images, websites related to the subject (like looking at tea shop websites when designing teas or fashion designer websites for tailoring), and existing Lusternia designs for both information and inspiration, I also refer to existing designs to study their language, flow, and level of detail and see what works, what doesn't, and what to avoid to keep from overlapping too much. Then I start spinning those ideas into a coherent-sounding design, while trying to strike a careful balance between poetic language and simple, straightforward verbiage as best I can. Inevitably, I go back and tweak until I'm satisfied that I've included all the details I wanted. Finally, I usually ask another designer to look it over and make sure that the writing is clean and error-free and creates a clear image in their mind.
As for trades, I really enjoy artisan, tailoring, and cooking, while forging and tattoos are much more challenging for me to design. Artisan has such a wide variety of different and enjoyable patterns, and frankly I just like pretty clothing and delicious food.
I like the rooftop garden in Magnagora, especially now there are new ambients at dusk. Amazing.
If Morgfyre ever devours Himself, Lavinya would pursue Drocilla in a heartbeat (in fact I came a hair away from renouncing Morg when She came because He was awol and Drocilla is pretty much my Lusternian inspiration for Lavinya. Would kill to be involved in her plots and intrigues and tea parties.) If not Her, Zvoltz because I'm a sucker for a white knight.
@Shaddus You can start by having the ability to keep me married into d'Murani.
Hrm, some of the questions that stuck out in my mind:
If Serenwilde disappeared and Tris had to find a new home: toss-up between rogue (can't imagine living in a city or with the wyrd) and celest (lots of family), though there are some aspects of Hallifax - mostly the idea of studying and learning.
If the whole world would blow up - hard to say. While wanting to be friends and loved ones, she tries to do this most of the time anyway, she loathes large groups. So she would probably ignore it and go plink at something here or there.
God she would follow if not Lisaera: Probably Hoaracle - a lot of people she respects would be followers and she'd want to help.
Favorite room: Tris' is overlooking a languid river. or maybe something in the Silver Weald.
@Sylandra (and anyone who cares to answer!): Do you have a particular approach to designing (e.g. outlining, drafting, focus grouping) or can you just spin ideas off the dome? Do you find certain trades more inspiring than others?
Well, hm, it depends on what I'm designing. If I'm in mass production mode (ie, making things with the intention of stocking a shop/themed cartel/public design catalogue), I tend to be a little more reckless in my designing and to plan less. I focus on what it is I most want (cheap comms? certain motifs? generic accessibility?) and then I implement those things. I'm usually less of a perfectionist when I'm in this mode, so I write more quickly and off the cuff. I'm at the point now with Jadicean designs, for example, that I recycle a lot of similar concepts and wordplay because I feel very comfortable now talking about snowflakes, hah. My biggest concern in those moments is whether or not I've used a certain turn of phrase in previous designs in the past. >_>
If it's something I want to be really nice, though, such as a Beauty design or a gift for another player, I draft it several times and often ask for feedback. Like @Irillia and @Zyphora, I enjoy googling images and learning the vocabulary for each type of design. It's kind of like window shopping online, and then writing your fancy items into existence. My favorite designs to make are jewellery, bookbinding, and artisan, probably in that order. (My least favorite are cooking and forging, likely because I'm less versed in those vocabularies.)
To be honest, I used to be a really poor designer because I didn't naturally take to descriptive writing. My early designs are all, like, three pitiful sentences each. I started reading a lot of Nihmriel's designs because I admired her work, and I realized she paid a lot of attention to little details: what's the texture? How does light reflect across the item? Does motion affect it? Does it have a scent? What materials are being used, and how? So now I try to quickly assess all the aspects of the design that I can talk about, and then build on them to ensure I'm making the clearest visual image. Google helps here, too.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Not that I was asked, but I've literally designed one thing my entire Lusternian career. Some crow lady robes, I think @Rancoura edited them for me? Like 8 years ago. I'm fairly certain they are boring and terrible, and I never actually had them made. Rattusk used to design random things for me. The Kepheran chitin robes were designed by Rattusk for me (remember him?). There's also a heartless fullplate in Glom somewhere designed for me. I was always so flattered!
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
1. Spending final day of existence - Will finally acknowledge that the struggle for the fate of Lusternia ends in a...draw.
2. Where to relocate when my org blows up - Be a JOJOBRO, because lions and sun is cool and shiny new org syndrome. Or Celest, because I lowkey like playing a righteous zealot.
3. If I won TA, what would your name be? Sojiro. Theme? I think I would find myself looking for a livelihood in the forests looking to be one with nature, maybe Serenwilde Serenguard.
4. Become your own grandpa? Yes, I married Zia (Nejii's great granddaughter) back when I was a wee Serenwilder, then became a family founder of Talnara, i.e. technically my own grandpa.
5. What god would you become? I'd become a traitor god, easy. I wanted to be Thax, but maybe I'll be someone new like Slaay, whose background consists of tea and MURDER.
6. First character? My first character was some noname Serenwilder, you can't even honors him anymore.
7. Favorite mischief? OHYEAH bodyslamming the Moonhart Mother Tree, teleporting to some Serenwilder in sewing room and then doing an EPIC KNIT OFF right in front of them, and messing around Rancoura's serious Night ritual by whipping out the Curly Straw of Tenebrous Darkness
8. Actor who plays my character? Unsure. My voice would be Jun Fukuyama's Lelouch voice though.
9. Hilariously awkward RP situation? I've had an encounter in a manse that was trying to turn intimate when all I wanted to do was get lines for coding/highlights. Hilariously awkward fight situation? It's a tie between repeatedly running into the enemy nexus within the same raid (before I learned about room locking), the admin turning off nexus world weakenings right when we were about to tear Celest (or Mag?) a new one, Eventru zapping me to get me to stop raiding Serenwilde, and...I guess we can stop there.
10. Favorite thing designed? The favorite thing I've ever designed is probably this hideous spider helm in the ebonguard cartel. I had to make it to join Vira's order, but considering that I didn't have a creative bone in my body, it was pretty tacky. However, it was also the first thing I've ever designed and it will always have a place in my heart. Other than that? My illithoid print boxers.
11. Players who influenced sticking around? Xavius (because he killed me and fired the flames of HATRED), Nejii (because he was the coolest seren back in the day), Zia/Kelysa (e-wives), Sarrasri (order shenanigans), and Glom.
12. Another favorite room: The Laboratory of Mu
13. Divine to follow? THAX - I will follow Alphonse Elric anywhere, also his HELP file sounds great.
11. Players who influenced sticking around? Xavius (because he killed me and fired the flames of HATRED), Nejii (because he was the coolest seren back in the day), Zia/Kelysa (e-wives), Sarrasri (order shenanigans), and Glom.
You have good taste in friends.
Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
1. Favorite room in seren? - hard to say, but I'd say probably the night gardens in the MD tower. Otherwise maybe the crown above the moonhart mother tree.
2. Which divine to follow if Maylea didn't happen? - Good question, I would say that I'd be considering Hoaracle if He'd ever have an order, if I'd end up in Celest, Weiwae certainly sounds interesting too.
3. Players who got me to stick around? - I'd say that goes to Kali, Taevyn and Lorah first and Kaimanahi and Saoirse second, plus a lot of other celest people who, after a while, got involved with my character.
New question @everybody - When you first started playing, was there a particular player or players that influenced your sticking around?
@Skyla and @Ibaesha. A bit later on @Tsuki and @Sivriel. @Auseklis. @Urazial at various points during the game, but especially when @Shakaya was a wee furrikin who'd just left Magnagora. I suppose it stuck, I'm married to him IRL now.
@AllPlayers - what is your favorite room in your respective nations?
I always enjoyed the Arboretum. Used to hang out there a long time ago, especially at "Atop the Seren Greenhouse". Also at "Shade beneath cherry trees". Also, a long long long time ago, when @Auseklis was still active, I used to sit for hours on end at "A hidden tunnel" in the Grey Moors because he had a shrine there that he'd made a big deal about, something that led to @Bau being added to the Order.. I miss @Auseklis so much, even though I know he's never coming back (something specific got to me about that through the rumour mill a long time ago, so I've long since resigned hope for that idea). Now I'm sad.
Rancoura the Shadowdancer. She's actually my first MUD character ever, and whilst I'll finally admit that I have dabbled in alts for curiosity's sake (both in Lusternia and other IRE's), Rancoura is the only one who has really stuck and is something like an alter ego for me.
EDIT: That said, if anyone wants to ask me anything about Rancoura specifically, feel free; but I reserve the right to preserve her mystique.
Tonight amidst the mountaintops And endless starless night Singing how the wind was lost Before an earthly flight
@everyone - Guys, we messed up at Ascension. The Soulless are coming and we're pretty much doomed. How does your character spend their final day of existence?
Praying to Night and @Nocht and preparing her soul to spend in Night's Realm for all eternity. Devising ways to help Night fight back, even if it means dispersing the entirety of her essence in order to lend her demidivine strength to her beloved Great Spirit. No biggie.
Your org blows up tomorrow and isn't coming back, ever.
Where do you relocate to in game (or choose to stay rogue) and why?
Rancoura would probably become a wandering Night priestess, maintaining her own following and leading others in worship and whatnot. She'd probably set up in the mountains somewhere, because that view. And maybe build a Night temple.
Tonight amidst the mountaintops And endless starless night Singing how the wind was lost Before an earthly flight
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
No idea . I originally thought up the name for a D&D character, an elf ranger, for a campaign that lasted a whole one session (and saw another party get hit in the head by an elevator--twice), so I tried to make an elf-y looking name. It might have been a couple weeks after that when I was introduced to Lusternia, which took my MUD virginity too (keep rocking it, @Rancoura !), so I just took the name over.
The double 'i' doesn't mean anything. It's not even pronounced in my head. I pronounce it EH-veh-rin, so it's totally and completely unnecessary. I just liked the look of it.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
Well during the Xynthin event, one of the alternate timelines was the world was ending, Night was dead, and we were all doomed. In that timeline, Celina spent her last days killing mortal @Xenthos
I'll stick with that.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
@AllPlayers What are your favourite quest steps or puzzles? Or puzzle types in quests? Not the quest itself as a whole, but maybe just one part or stage of it?
@AllPlayers What are your favourite quest steps or puzzles? Or puzzle types in quests? Not the quest itself as a whole, but maybe just one part or stage of it?
I love Tower of Hanoi type puzzles and mazes.
Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."
The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable. Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.
@AllPlayers What are your favourite quest steps or puzzles? Or puzzle types in quests? Not the quest itself as a whole, but maybe just one part or stage of it?
I go for what I call the Myst-like puzzles. Things where the goal might not be entirely clear, but you can poke at things and work them out from environmental clues. Stuff like figuring out the process to make an eaf interest me more than figuring out a mastermind solution. Beyond that, I like things that have more solving and less time spent actually entering the puzzle. So mastermind trumps sudoku on the convenience factor.
Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
@AllPlayers What are your favourite quest steps or puzzles? Or puzzle types in quests? Not the quest itself as a whole, but maybe just one part or stage of it?
CONFESSION: I hate quests. I am probably one of the least Lusternia-adept Lusternians. My favorite quests to do are probably the kind that are just logic puzzles, like in Shanthmark, where you don't have to really do much grinding or running around. My favorite quest is the kind of quest that doesn't require curatives, basically. Czigany Wayfaire stands out among those.
But I deeply enjoy the lore that comes out of questing. So I'm more likely to follow someone around and then read the snippets of lore that emerge from their adventures. Shout-outs go to the Elder Voice quests, the Presidio, Muud, and others too numerous to name. Gimme all dat lore.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
@AllPlayers What are your favourite quest steps or puzzles? Or puzzle types in quests? Not the quest itself as a whole, but maybe just one part or stage of it?
I am bad at puzzles (I googled the Night bubble puzzle, and still managed to do it backwards). True story, none of my quest honors lines were intentional. I either scored a killing hit or someone let me finish their quest. Or on accident, like the Waste Facility.
I enjoyed the risk style puzzle on Bottles? Mucklemarsh? I forget, it's been so long, but you have different types of units and you move them around the bubble and pit them against other units based on their type. I wish it was less random, but I got into it.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
@AllPlayers What are your favourite quest steps or puzzles? Or puzzle types in quests? Not the quest itself as a whole, but maybe just one part or stage of it?
My absolute favourite has been the Marani puzzle. It is, without a doubt, the quest that I would farm into infinity if I could, because I love the challenge it gives once you have your small collection of clues from the snails and you've got to start applying critical thinking. It's like a sudoku puzzle, in that regards. Unfortunately, I'm much faster at completing mastermind puzzles, so that's what I've come to be known to be good at.
@AllPlayers What are your favourite quest steps or puzzles? Or puzzle types in quests? Not the quest itself as a whole, but maybe just one part or stage of it?
I love Tower of Hanoi type puzzles and mazes.
Oh no. I'm the opposite. I hate Tower of Hanoi, I can't do them without cheating. If there was a visual element I could probably do it more easily, but just having to track the pieces by words and not pictures makes it impossible for me. If I encounter Tower of Hanoi in a quest, I scream internally.
I like logic puzzles. And while I wouldn't say I'm terribly excited by mastermind puzzles, I love when they show up because they're fast and so, so easy.
@AllPlayers What are your favourite quest steps or puzzles? Or puzzle types in quests? Not the quest itself as a whole, but maybe just one part or stage of it?
Ideally, untimed puzzles that save progress between players!
Also quests that require teamwork that isn't killing mobs, 'you go stand on that dingus to weigh it down while I pull this bell rope to signal Rufus to run on the hamsterwheel of doom to open the drawbridge'
Oh, and dress up/disguise quests like Mel- that place with the harlequins. Something like an infiltration quest a la wow could be fun, wear the costume get the thing, keep the costume.
But, I liked the pan pipe version of mastermind to unlock the sileni, so interactive objects that are more than push/pull verbs. EX- a statue with moveable parts that you have to figure out the right combo of moves to get it to open a door. If you get it right, the statue lets you through, get it wrong it spits acid at you. But if you know you're about to get it wrong, you might have the option to Disarm it somehow and still have an alternate way to get through safely.
I really liked the prairie dog whistle portion in Hifarae.
Would be neat to have quests that generate mobs that 'flex' to a character's skills and level.
Ditto on @Sylandra 's love of lore in quests. Like with the new Crys gem quest, I so wanted to keep the journal as a souvenir too. If that was possible, I'd collect each one.
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots. Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
@AllPlayers What are your favourite quest steps or puzzles? Or puzzle types in quests? Not the quest itself as a whole, but maybe just one part or stage of it?
Tower of Hanoi, sudoku... and the dairuchi rockeater puzzle! Push the little rockeaters, push push... so much fun. Brings me back to the ice skating puzzles from Pokemon.
I liked Kryden Valik's "Get everyone across the river safely" component.
For a Tower of Hanoi alternative, I always thought a Number Rumba puzzle would be good.
If you're unfamiliar with the game: 9 identifiable blocks, 4 pegs, with a maximum of 3 blocks on a peg. Goal is to match a target arrangement of the 9 blocks on the same 3 starting pegs.
@Ixion asked: how did you become the tea commander of the north?
Is there a tea commander of the south I need to have assassinated?
The truth is I thought it would be cool to have a highly specialized shop, and I wanted to provide a unique, chill RP spot. It must be noted that Irillia and Zyphora are largely responsible for the stock; I only designed a couple bottles and cups. It's not very profitable, but the unprompted letters I get from people who enjoy the venue are really heartwarming.
My approach is very similar to @Zyphora's, which is probably why we collaborate so well creatively. Not only do I research Wikipedia, Google Images, websites related to the subject (like looking at tea shop websites when designing teas or fashion designer websites for tailoring), and existing Lusternia designs for both information and inspiration, I also refer to existing designs to study their language, flow, and level of detail and see what works, what doesn't, and what to avoid to keep from overlapping too much. Then I start spinning those ideas into a coherent-sounding design, while trying to strike a careful balance between poetic language and simple, straightforward verbiage as best I can. Inevitably, I go back and tweak until I'm satisfied that I've included all the details I wanted. Finally, I usually ask another designer to look it over and make sure that the writing is clean and error-free and creates a clear image in their mind.
As for trades, I really enjoy artisan, tailoring, and cooking, while forging and tattoos are much more challenging for me to design. Artisan has such a wide variety of different and enjoyable patterns, and frankly I just like pretty clothing and delicious food.
If Morgfyre ever devours Himself, Lavinya would pursue Drocilla in a heartbeat (in fact I came a hair away from renouncing Morg when She came because He was awol and Drocilla is pretty much my Lusternian inspiration for Lavinya. Would kill to be involved in her plots and intrigues and tea parties.) If not Her, Zvoltz because I'm a sucker for a white knight.
@Shaddus You can start by having the ability to keep me married into d'Murani.
If Serenwilde disappeared and Tris had to find a new home: toss-up between rogue (can't imagine living in a city or with the wyrd) and celest (lots of family), though there are some aspects of Hallifax - mostly the idea of studying and learning.
If the whole world would blow up - hard to say. While wanting to be friends and loved ones, she tries to do this most of the time anyway, she loathes large groups. So she would probably ignore it and go plink at something here or there.
God she would follow if not Lisaera: Probably Hoaracle - a lot of people she respects would be followers and she'd want to help.
Favorite room: Tris' is overlooking a languid river. or maybe something in the Silver Weald.
and I've forgotten the rest.
@Everiine why the double i? Phonetics?
Favourite room has to be the Bridge of Torment in Magnagora because of just one of the ambients... You get your foot stuck.
If it's something I want to be really nice, though, such as a Beauty design or a gift for another player, I draft it several times and often ask for feedback. Like @Irillia and @Zyphora, I enjoy googling images and learning the vocabulary for each type of design. It's kind of like window shopping online, and then writing your fancy items into existence. My favorite designs to make are jewellery, bookbinding, and artisan, probably in that order. (My least favorite are cooking and forging, likely because I'm less versed in those vocabularies.)
To be honest, I used to be a really poor designer because I didn't naturally take to descriptive writing. My early designs are all, like, three pitiful sentences each. I started reading a lot of Nihmriel's designs because I admired her work, and I realized she paid a lot of attention to little details: what's the texture? How does light reflect across the item? Does motion affect it? Does it have a scent? What materials are being used, and how? So now I try to quickly assess all the aspects of the design that I can talk about, and then build on them to ensure I'm making the clearest visual image. Google helps here, too.
You have good taste in friends.
- hard to say, but I'd say probably the night gardens in the MD tower. Otherwise maybe the crown above the moonhart mother tree.
2. Which divine to follow if Maylea didn't happen?
- Good question, I would say that I'd be considering Hoaracle if He'd ever have an order, if I'd end up in Celest, Weiwae certainly sounds interesting too.
3. Players who got me to stick around?
- I'd say that goes to Kali, Taevyn and Lorah first and Kaimanahi and Saoirse second, plus a lot of other celest people who, after a while, got involved with my character.
Rancoura the Shadowdancer. She's actually my first MUD character ever, and whilst I'll finally admit that I have dabbled in alts for curiosity's sake (both in Lusternia and other IRE's), Rancoura is the only one who has really stuck and is something like an alter ego for me.
EDIT: That said, if anyone wants to ask me anything about Rancoura specifically, feel free; but I reserve the right to preserve her mystique.
Tonight amidst the mountaintops
And endless starless night
Singing how the wind was lost
Before an earthly flight
Rancoura would probably become a wandering Night priestess, maintaining her own following and leading others in worship and whatnot. She'd probably set up in the mountains somewhere, because that view. And maybe build a Night temple.
Tonight amidst the mountaintops
And endless starless night
Singing how the wind was lost
Before an earthly flight
No idea
The double 'i' doesn't mean anything. It's not even pronounced in my head. I pronounce it EH-veh-rin, so it's totally and completely unnecessary. I just liked the look of it.
Well during the Xynthin event, one of the alternate timelines was the world was ending, Night was dead, and we were all doomed. In that timeline, Celina spent her last days killing mortal @Xenthos
I'll stick with that.
The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.
I go for what I call the Myst-like puzzles. Things where the goal might not be entirely clear, but you can poke at things and work them out from environmental clues. Stuff like figuring out the process to make an eaf interest me more than figuring out a mastermind solution. Beyond that, I like things that have more solving and less time spent actually entering the puzzle. So mastermind trumps sudoku on the convenience factor.
But I deeply enjoy the lore that comes out of questing. So I'm more likely to follow someone around and then read the snippets of lore that emerge from their adventures. Shout-outs go to the Elder Voice quests, the Presidio, Muud, and others too numerous to name. Gimme all dat lore.
I enjoyed the risk style puzzle on Bottles? Mucklemarsh? I forget, it's been so long, but you have different types of units and you move them around the bubble and pit them against other units based on their type. I wish it was less random, but I got into it.
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
I like logic puzzles. And while I wouldn't say I'm terribly excited by mastermind puzzles, I love when they show up because they're fast and so, so easy.
Also quests that require teamwork that isn't killing mobs, 'you go stand on that dingus to weigh it down while I pull this bell rope to signal Rufus to run on the hamsterwheel of doom to open the drawbridge'
Oh, and dress up/disguise quests like Mel- that place with the harlequins. Something like an infiltration quest a la wow could be fun, wear the costume get the thing, keep the costume.
I really liked the prairie dog whistle portion in Hifarae.
Would be neat to have quests that generate mobs that 'flex' to a character's skills and level.
Ditto on @Sylandra 's love of lore in quests. Like with the new Crys gem quest, I so wanted to keep the journal as a souvenir too. If that was possible, I'd collect each one.
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
For a Tower of Hanoi alternative, I always thought a Number Rumba puzzle would be good.
If you're unfamiliar with the game: 9 identifiable blocks, 4 pegs, with a maximum of 3 blocks on a peg. Goal is to match a target arrangement of the 9 blocks on the same 3 starting pegs.
@Ixion asked: how did you become the tea commander of the north?
Is there a tea commander of the south I need to have assassinated?
The truth is I thought it would be cool to have a highly specialized shop, and I wanted to provide a unique, chill RP spot. It must be noted that Irillia and Zyphora are largely responsible for the stock; I only designed a couple bottles and cups. It's not very profitable, but the unprompted letters I get from people who enjoy the venue are really heartwarming.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."