
  • Arimisia said:
    Pectus said:
    Ileein said:
    Jadice gives a bright green pickle-shaped cup cake to you.

    Jadice, the Frost Queen says, "Ileein, take this and all the cakes here and sort them as you feel 
    appropriate. Store them against future need."

    Observing the cupcake with glimmering orange hues of trepidation, you say, "They will be filed 
    according to a stringent order."

    Jadice, the Frost Queen says, "Do so with any other cakes which may find themselves at My Fulcrux. 
    Remain vigilant."
    Ahem. Cupcakes need to be filed by frosting colour, thank you very much.
    as well as shape, texture, size, density, taste, moisture, and sweetness
    and deliciousness >.=.>


    "Perfect. Please move quickly to the next post, as the effects of prolonged exposure to the signature are not part of this test."


  • Pbbt. You could've gotten away from that! ;) (I forget, what exactly is the sickly red light, anyway?)
  • KagatoKagato Auckland, New Zealand
    edited April 2014
    Chade said:

    You are:
    surrounded by a sickly red light.
    unable to be masochistic.
    bleeding for 3163 health.
    afflicted with a blood clot in the left hip.
    afflicted with a blood clot in the right hip.
    afflicted with a blood clot in the left shoulder.
    afflicted with a blood clot in the right shoulder.
    suffering 10 burst blood vessels.
    suffering a locked throat.
    suffering from a pierced right leg.
    suffering under a warped aura of infirmity.
    cursed with the healthleech.
    suffering from epilepsy.
    sprawled on the ground.
    unnaturally stupid.
    an insomniac.
    very lonely.
    addicted to elixirs.
    a certified hypochondriac.
    frozen stiff.
    minorly warped in time.
    suffering from echoes in time.
    You have 30 afflictions.

    Seriously though, ouch.  That's a lot of afflictions.
    Never put passion before principle.  Even if you win, you lose.

    If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

    If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    edited April 2014

    You wince as you feel Chade's pain flare through the Aegis bond between you.
    7389h, 9500m, 8602e, EN:100%, WP:78% [P:3][T:PRESTON][kr][exlr]-(-1530h, 14.8%) 
    You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
    7389h, 9500m, 8602e, EN:100%, WP:78% [P:3][T:PRESTON][kr][exlr]-(sip health)
    You take a drink of a potion of healing from a coiling vial of swarthy crystal.
    The potion heals and soothes you.
    8691h, 9500m, 8602e, EN:100%, WP:78% [P:3][T:PRESTON][kr][exlr]-
    You wince as you feel Chade's pain flare through the Aegis bond between you.
    7685h, 9500m, 8602e, EN:100%, WP:78% [P:3][T:PRESTON][kr][exlr]-(-1006h, 9.7%) 
    You wince as you feel Chade's pain flare through the Aegis bond between you.
    7220h, 9500m, 8602e, EN:100%, WP:78% [P:3][T:PRESTON][kr][exlr]-(-465h, 4.5%) 
    Shadowy nightmares and horrors writhe about you in thin veils of domothean energy.
    8046h, 9500m, 8602e, EN:100%, WP:78% [P:3][T:PRESTON][kr][exlr]-(+826h, 8.0%) 
    You wince as you feel Chade's pain flare through the Aegis bond between you.
    6516h, 9500m, 8602e, EN:100%, WP:78% [P:3][T:PRESTON][kr][exlr]-(-1530h, 14.8%) 
    You wince as you feel Chade's pain flare through the Aegis bond between you.

    It goes on like that for a while...

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    edited April 2014
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Sickly Red let is from one of the Researcher's gems, I believe.
  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    I think that's the one that stops clotting for a few seconds. Bloodstone.
  • NeosNeos The Subtle Griefer
    Chade said:
    You are:
    frozen stiff.
    You have 30 afflictions.
    Damn sleep! Damn it to hell!
    Love gaming? Love gaming stuff? Sign up for Lootcrate and get awesome gaming items. Accompanying video.


    Celina said:
    You can't really same the same, can you?
    Zvoltz said:
    "The Panthron"
  • Chade said:
    You are:
    suffering from epilepsy.

    You have 30 afflictions.
    Hrmm... this seems... hrmm


    "Perfect. Please move quickly to the next post, as the effects of prolonged exposure to the signature are not part of this test."


  • If that's what it is, then there's trouble. It's still afflicting me!
  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    A few of the researcher ones will affect you till they cast it on someone else, I believe resonance is the same.

    They're highly irritating in that regard.

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • Xeria said:
    I was checking the Commune aether before I left, when I saw this:

    11) Gabriella: "But i REALLY NEED TO PEE."
    12) Gabriella: "Er."
    13) Gabriella: "Peel an apple. Is there a cook around?"
    14) Gabriella: "I could really go for a peeled apple."
    That reminds me of the time I mis'd that I needed to pee over the Moonhart Circle clan. 
  • KagatoKagato Auckland, New Zealand
    edited April 2014
    You declare [REDACTED] to be the winner of the Quiz, and pat Him on the head in congratulations.

    I didn't end the quiz properly when I ran it and had to go back in to fix it, there is something very wrong about a mortal "patting a divine on the head in congratulations" >_>
    Never put passion before principle.  Even if you win, you lose.

    If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

    If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
  • Only if you foolishly believe them to be superior to you!
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    I get the feeling that Tark and Marc (that could be a TV show, or a band :D) ought to talk about their opinions on gods one of these days.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    2014/04/29 02:29:28 - Drocilla graduated from the collegium.

    But did she graduate with honours?

  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    Tarkenton said:
    I get the feeling that Tark and Marc (that could be a TV show, or a band :D) ought to talk about their opinions on gods one of these days.
    What about me? :(
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    You know, I've wanted to get to know you better IC.  Perhaps next time I come help you out with something, I'll try and get a conversation going. :)
  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    After the thread I posted about gods a few months back, I'm more solid in my mindset now since it was pretty much confirmed by admin that 'Yeah, but they'll still kill you' which I mean...hey that's how I roll anyway.
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    Release the Legion you said. :(
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • ZouviqilZouviqil Queen of Uberjerkiness
    Siam said:
    Release the Legion you said. :(
    Not on meeee! D:
  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    So did I miss a reason why 3 Artists came through?
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Maligorn said:
    Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves says, "As far as My interests... I am an artist, a sculptor, and I find pleasure in the work as well as seeing others thrive creatively. I also enjoy long walks on the beach."

    I died.
    And pina coladas?

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • Munsia said:
    So did I miss a reason why 3 Artists came through?

    Mostly because a bunch of artists all left at the same time in the histories I think.
    Jadice, the Frost Queen says to you, "Constant vigilance."
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    edited April 2014
    Caught in a sudden bout of whimsy, you grab Zouviqil's hands and twirl her about the room.

    Zouviqil Myeras, Queen of the Night says to you, "Have you stopped sniffing pe--..."

    Zouviqil Myeras, Queen of the Night blinks a few times as she is led about the room by you while still atop her rhino.

    Her Siam Star-eyes idly twirls on and on and on with Zouviqil who sits atop Morkaryon, the rhino.


    You begin to wield a rose of gems and gold in your right hand.

    You quickly toss a rose of gems and gold to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    Zouviqil ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."

    Zouviqil Myeras, Queen of the Night says, "Thanks."

    You begin to wield a small Rex hamster shaped cup cake in your right hand.

    You quickly toss a small Rex hamster shaped cup cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.
    You begin to wield a rose cup cake in your right hand.
    You quickly toss a rose cup cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.
    You begin to wield a rose cup cake in your right hand.
    You quickly toss a rose cup cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.
    You begin to wield a rose cup cake in your right hand.
    Zouviqil Myeras, Queen of the Night says, "We must. MUST. Give this cake to..."
    You quickly toss a rose cup cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    Zouviqil stares blankly into space.

    You begin to wield a dainty vanilla and strawberry-buttercream tea cake in your right hand.

    You quickly toss a dainty vanilla and strawberry-buttercream tea cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    You begin to wield a dainty vanilla and strawberry-buttercream tea cake in your right hand.

    You quickly toss a dainty vanilla and strawberry-buttercream tea cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    You begin to wield a dainty vanilla and strawberry-buttercream tea cake in your right hand.

    You quickly toss a dainty vanilla and strawberry-buttercream tea cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    Zouviqil's eyes widen in disbelief as she shouts, "Oh my GOD!"

    You begin to wield a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake in your right hand.

    You quickly toss a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    You begin to wield a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake in your right hand.

    You quickly toss a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    You begin to wield a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake in your right hand.

    Zouviqil Myeras, Queen of the Night exclaims, "Stooop!"
    You quickly toss a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.
    You begin to wield a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake in your right hand.

    You quickly toss a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    You begin to wield a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake in your right hand.

    You quickly toss a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    You begin to wield a little, two tiered white cup cake with lilac sugar ribbons in your right hand.

    You quickly toss a little, two tiered white cup cake with lilac sugar ribbons to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    Zouviqil looks up into the air for divine inspiration.



    Zouviqil begins to wield a dainty vanilla and strawberry-buttercream tea cake in her right hand.

    Zouviqil tosses a dainty vanilla and strawberry-buttercream tea cake to you, and you catch it nimbly.

    You begin to wield a little, two tiered white cup cake with lilac sugar ribbons in your right hand.

    Zouviqil begins to wield a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake in her right hand.

    Zouviqil tosses a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake to you, and you catch it nimbly.

    You quickly toss a little, two tiered white cup cake with lilac sugar ribbons to Zouviqil, who
    catches it nimbly.

    Zouviqil begins to wield a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake in her right hand.

    Zouviqil tosses a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake to you, and you catch it nimbly.

    Zouviqil begins to wield a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake in her right hand.

    Zouviqil tosses a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake to you, and you catch it nimbly.

    Zouviqil begins to wield a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake in her right hand.

    Zouviqil tosses a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake to you, and you catch it nimbly.

    You begin to wield a glittering vanilla cup cake in your right hand.

    Zouviqil begins to wield a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake in her right hand.

    Zouviqil tosses a sweet strawberry and cream cup cake to you, and you catch it nimbly.

    You quickly toss a glittering vanilla cup cake to Zouviqil, who catches it nimbly.

    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


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