the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    Silvanus claimed to be 3rd party a few days ago, right? And I think we accepted it as more or less confirmed? I'm having a hard time finding stuff in the back of the thread.

    I think he'd be the better of the two. A letter makes me think of cult recruitment, and killing him might help confirm or deny that. They wouldn't have converted many people unless someone got the power after Vivet died (is that common? I can find references to it being a thing, but not how often.) but it be good to know if early investigations might be fallible. Plus, we know that the worst-case with Silvanus is lynching a 3rd party, while the worst case for Kalaneya is lynching a town. Lower risk.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    That's a good point actually, Portius. And if Silvanus comes up dirty, then Kalaneya is more likely to be dirty too. I'm okay with switching to a Silvanus lynch today, in fact, because I think it helps us get information on two people - Kalaneya and Ssaliss. Lynching Lehki means we either confirm what we know (he's scum) or confirm what we suspect (he has some kind of immunity). Thoughts, everyone?
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Two votes away and exactly what I said is starting to happen. I'm laughing so hard.
    Lehki said:

    The way my lucks going some other huge distraction will come up before the lynch and redirect you guys again.

    I swear I'm gonna be the last person alive in this.
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    Sylandra said:

    That's a good point actually, Portius. And if Silvanus comes up dirty, then Kalaneya is more likely to be dirty too. I'm okay with switching to a Silvanus lynch today, in fact, because I think it helps us get information on two people - Kalaneya and Ssaliss. Lynching Lehki means we either confirm what we know (he's scum) or confirm what we suspect (he has some kind of immunity). Thoughts, everyone?

    I'll grant you that Silvanus is probably the strategically superior lynch. It does give us a lot more information, while Lehki does have a decent failure chance. It's probably the right choice here.

    On the other hand, I really want Lehki to die. My strategic impulses and my unbridled hatred of failure are in competition.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • I'd rather wait for Othero to respond to my question. That might also confirm me being an investigator. That is, unless he mentioned that bit of information and I missed it...
  • Oh, and in case anyone is curious:

    Night one: Investigated Salome; was earthquaked.
    Night two: Investigated Krackenor, was redirected to Othero.
    Night three: Investigated Silvanus.
    Night four: Investigated Melali (mostly because I felt he's played rather oddly these last few days, so I wanted to clear any suspicion).
    Night five: Investigated Kalaneya.

    I'll see if I'm allowed to quote a few things...
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Interesting realization. 8 people have died so far and only 1 (Alary) has been a pure-bred townie. :-?
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Sylandra said:

    Interesting realization. 8 people have died so far and only 1 (Alary) has been a pure-bred townie. :-?

    Are you sure about that? Both she and Rolsand were "personal invites of the Champion."
  • Ssaliss, how does your investigation work, if you want to explain. What is your flavor?
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Creepy Boy win condition gives you an extra out. Doesn't count in my book.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    On night 2 I was visited by Ushaara Who was flipping theough a book of mine (egg hypothesis or something), that is how I knew he was lying about his investigating claims.

    Kaimanahi is the doll person, so it's weird that she was able to send something to Sylandra while being blocked. I saw her through her window and it looked like she was playing house with dolls, she was also not alone.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    Silvanus said:

    Kaimanahi is the doll person, so it's weird that she was able to send something to Sylandra while being blocked. I saw her through her window and it looked like she was playing house with dolls, she was also not alone.

    Kaimanahi might be a doll person, but I've already acknowledged that Sylandra's new doll came from me. It came from a Haunter, and I'd already shown off my Gastly a little while before that.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • Melali said:

    Ssaliss, how does your investigation work, if you want to explain. What is your flavor?

    Mrrh, it's hard without quoting my role PM. Essentially, though, I've got an excellent eye for details (I'm also good at making drawings!), and I notice things that others might not and draw conclusions based on those observations.

    Also, now that I got the confirmation that I was allowed to quote what I thought I was allowed to quote... This is part of my message from investigating Othero:
    Your eye for detail quickly rushes over Othero as he stands in the crowded dining car, waiting for news on the Champion. When you see him flex reactively at the symbol of Darkrai, you notice. When he easily avoids notice to slip back to his car, you notice. And when he leaves without you hearing, you notice his shadow crossing your door.
    And my investigation of Silvanus (after entering his car):
    You find it empty, and stalk in, digging through his personal effects until you discover a note signed from Vivet stuffed between the pages of a book in his things.
    I didn't get any quotable text from the other three investigations, sadly.
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    Portius said:

    Silvanus said:

    Kaimanahi is the doll person, so it's weird that she was able to send something to Sylandra while being blocked. I saw her through her window and it looked like she was playing house with dolls, she was also not alone.

    Kaimanahi might be a doll person, but I've already acknowledged that Sylandra's new doll came from me. It came from a Haunter, and I'd already shown off my Gastly a little while before that.
    Oh must've missed that somewhere, was posting on mobile.

    I can't explain what Ssaliss is on, he has already admitted to being side-tracked/bussed, and he went ahead and investigated Melali after half the game has confirmed Melali's powers, it just seems like a waste of an investigation on Melali when there are so many people out there with unconfirmed powers.

    It also seems weird that he would find just a note, and nothing else? Is there more that you found out? Can you confirm/deny my investigative powers? Whatever Lehki was claiming he had a note as well, and that set off Weiwae? or whatever, I'm not too sure what happened that day. Does this mean that I am now a bomb if I have a note from Lehki's opposite?

    If I were a member of the Mafia, I would've already outed Phoebus for being the Doctor, and she would've been dead a long time ago. I think with enough powers claimed, it's safe to announce Phoebus as the Doctor.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    One more thing, when Ssaliss claims he entered my car, I was there the entire night, because I forgot to send the trainer card with "Investigate Kaimanahi," so it seems odd that he'd also find it empty, considering it was (2 nights ago technically) and I never investigated anyone that night.

    If we are allowed to quote Mod PMs, can I quote Trem saying she won't accept it, and that I wasn't the only one that forgot to send the trainer card? Because I'm used to mafia where you can't quote the mod really at all in PMs, especially things during the night actions.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • I can't help but notice that you didn't really say much about the note, but rather just mention that it was weird I only found a note? No attempt at explaining where the note came from, no trying to deny there was a note, nothing.

    As for me investigating Melali, I already explained why. He played oddly, so instead of just assuming that he was legit, I investigated him. It also happened to be that it was the night I ended early, so I was pretty rushed for time on that one.
  • You can quote anything in italics in mod PMs, as far as I understood it.
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    I have no idea where the note came from, so how can i attempt to explain it? I can only tell you that Ushaara visited me on night 2, and that is the only person to visit me that I was made aware of.

    And for your claims then, I didn't leave my car at all, so I'm not sure how you can find it empty. Are you able to explain that at all then, if you expect me to explain a note that I've never heard of or seen, can you explain how you visited me on a night where my car was empty?

    Also, it's the only one of your investigations that you have that you can quote? That's farfetch'd, and ridiculous.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • I quoted two of them; yours and Othero's. Also, I can't really choose which PMs I'm allowed to quote and which I'm not, so I can't really do that much about that one. I'm fairly certain, however, that if I claimed I quoted something coming from Tremula, while it didn't actually come from Tremula, it would be met with a relatively grizzly end (refer to rule 6½)...

    And really, there's an easy explanation for you claiming that you were in your car the whole night, despite me not seeing you there... you simply weren't there all night. As for what Ushaara claimed? He was scum, so why should his word be taken as gospel?
  • Interesting. I can't explain your flavour for mine. If you're investigating meetings, though, I only had one visitor on night 1. Should be pretty obvious who that was since Kaima and Celina already confirmed their visitor: Cen. And Cen will need to explain how Lehki got one of his messages about my Pokemon.

    Nothing changed with my role since then, though.
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    edited July 2016

    Editted: Actually, I am resigning from the game, you can replace me. I do not want to be apart of a Mafia game where you can quote investigation results from the mod. I can't win against that argument.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Ok let's all calm down for like five seconds.

    1) Ssaliss claimed that he could quote what Tremula said he could.
    2) Tremula has not as a mod actually posted in the thread saying this.

    I think we can all basically agree quoting stuff from the mod undercuts the glory of mafia bluffing. I'm sorry that Silvanus has qq'd over it. He's a good player and we will miss him. @Tremula needs to announce if he's being modkilled or not. Otherwise I say we lynch Silvanus, as he's the most strategic lynch anyhow and further, it's not really fair to have someone replace him in this situation.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Well, this is a fine kettle of fish.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    I've caught up and am preparing response. Please have patience, and remember as kindly as possible that I am sick.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • Bummer about Silvanus. :( posting on my phone so hard to elaborate but the whole thing seems fishy.

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    edited July 2016
    Official Mod Post About the Situation:

    I fucked up, clean and simple. There is nothing about the situation that is not my fault. While responding to night messages (not in a clear mind), I italicised something that was meant to be bolded [the buttons are right next to each other], and didn't catch it. When I gave Ssaliss the Okay, I only thought he had Othero's message, which is the style of message that was meant to be shared. I am at fault for this happening, and I sincerely apologise to @Silvanus and hope that one day he can forgive me and that he won't hold this against me should I ever host a (smaller and) less complicated game. I also hope that other than this, the game was enjoyable for him, as that's all I've wanted it to be. Wacky and fun.

    Nature's conspired against me to always be busy this game, so I understand if there are any hard feelings. In the hopes that we can move past this, I will no longer allow any mod-quoting. Players who were receiving proper quotable messages and not sharing them will find their powers slightly changed once night begins again. If Silvanus is not lynched for the day, he will be mod-killed at end-of-day, assuming the game wishes to continue playing.

    EDIT: As well, once the game is over, I will reveal the roles which were allowed to quote, which should explain why. There are still active parties about who would be effected, otherwise it would be explained now.

    Once more, I am very truly sorry.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Will you be modkilling @Silvanus for editing and resigning? It's a pretty tough situation for anyone to substitute.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    Above post says that Silvanus will be modkilled at the end of the day if he is not lynched.

    Which would make lynching him a waste, since he's dying either way. Functionally equivalent to voting not to lynch.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Ah, missed that, thanks Port.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    That having been said, on reflection I think lynching Silvanus is the fairest option, if we all want to keep going. He was a prime suspect, so killing him and then lynching someone else is basically giving the town a free kill. A major free kill at that, since it leaves us a shot at Lehki while also giving all the info we'd have gotten from spending our lynch on him. This is bad for the mafia teams.

    Plus, we were probably going to switch over to lynching him instead of Lehki anyway. Just going for that is probably the most natural outcome to the day, even if it's not strictly optimal for the town. It seems sporting.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
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