the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    May have terminology wrong, Tailor/Impersonator something like that, basically shown as someone else. It will explain Vivet's confusion on Day 1 with her claim. I was nightactioning the real pokedex interrogator.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Anyway, lemme finish my breakfast and get to work. Damn this addictive game! :D
  • Yeah, please do explain especially the terminology, only thing I could find about Tailor is

    "Visits one person every night.
    That person receives a suit chosen by the Tailor.
    If that person dies, his/her role will be revealed as whatever the suit is.
    Sided with the mafia."
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    Sylandra said:
    Quick question: do traded Pokemon gain experience faster? And do they have a chance of disobeying new owners?
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    So that's a no to both then, @Tremula?

    From what I gather Ushaara is describing a Disguiser power, not a Tailor. It's what I gave Vivet in the Shakespeare mafia; lets you take someone's role. Sometimes by having the person die first, and other times by just picking that person in the night.

    That said I don't see any reason to think Cyndarin is lying. Both Vivet and Krackenor corroborate her story.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi

    Kaimanahi said:
    Luce said:

    Trading Cyndaquil for Cyndarin's Super Awesome Pokemon™ (pls2be giving my trainer card back, little guy.)
    Wait, you lost your trainer card?
    Fluff. The Cyndaquil had my trainer card in his mouth when I got it.
  • I don't see how both of them have corroborated her story. For one, the two instances had different flavors: Vivet's was professional and Krackenor's was youthful. Secondly, Cyndarin just claimed that she was the one who visited both.

    However, it would be easy for them to corroborate her story, by her saying some aspect of their Pokemon that they're comfortable with, and them saying that she's right.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    edited July 2016
    @Sylandra yes, that's a no to both. Maybe if it wasn't my first game in a while, I'd be fine cooking something up, but I hadn't planned for it and don't like implementing new, permanent things mid-game.

    As Cyndarin announces her desire for a Cyndaquil from somebody, anybody, it is Luce who pipes up and digs around in his bag for his pokeball, waving it excitedly. He jokes at her for a moment but is happy to trade with her to get her the Pokemon she so wants, and so they both step up to Champion Alec and hand over their pokeballs and trainer cards. He swipes both and makes the exchange, Cyndarin gaining her Cyndaquil at long last as Luce obtains a Pumpkaboo to call his very own. As Alec hands back the balls he sits against the machine once more, closing his eyes again. Strange, his Shaymin seems to be nowhere in sight...

    (Trainer Cards will update throughout the day, please stand by for your new Pokemon.)
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • Vivet/Krackenor/Celina situation: It'd be an easy lie for someone to catch them in. Most people are asleep right now, so we'll see if anyone wants to call them out. 

    Other option is that they've all gone in for the long con like Melali's implying, though I'm not sure what exactly the advantage would be since Celina's power has nothing to do with alignment, just Pokemon. This might be a gap in my knowledge of the game, like knowing a trainer's Pokemon is somehow really powerful but I can't quite connect why it should be.
  • Um, while I suppose what I wrote could be construed as suspicion of a group con, I meant that Cyndarin would be vindicated with Krackenor and Vivet's approval. By which I mean that it's likely that all three are on the up and up.

    Gah, my mind is like sludge. Just to be explicitly clear: Cyndarin is likely Town, simply judging from her ability.
  • Alright so. Throwing my $0.02 out there on a few points.

    I'm thinking Rolsand was totally attacked twice. At least one was most likely a vigilante who'd had enough of the loop-de-looping and probably figured they were doing us all a favour. I'd nominate the bludgeoner for that, as others have suggested as well. The poisoner is another puzzle.

    Maybe I'm biased because of his performance in the NightVale game, but I don't think @Melali is being that suspicious at all, really. He may have started out more forward with his logic and theorycrafting this time around, but I think that's probably just because it worked out so well for us last time. The Deino play wasn't that outlandish imo. We were all so stuck on Rolsand and going around in circles, and it helped change some votes around. Not that any of that absolves him of suspicion, and we should totally be careful.

    @Ushaara's theories can be pretty wacky, and I urge him to very carefully consider how his ideas and their subsequent debunking/corroboration might affect town. That said, there's always the possibility that his ideas, misguided or no, could apply pressure in new places and result in some useful discussion and information.

    Re: @Luce and his information. I'm kind of leaning towards having him share it. It may be risky, but the sheer number of apparent killing roles is making me really nervous. At this point, it looks to me like we're nowhere near a solid lynch decision. We'd mostly just be guessing or going by gut feeling. We made an awesome call with Kilee, and I feel a little like we can't afford to lose that momentum with so much still unknown. Can anyone clearly define the dangers and weigh them against the potential gains for me? I feel like I'm missing a few things about this.

    Also, how long do we have until the solar panels fully charge?
  • Oh and the Cyndarin/Vivet/Krackenor thing.

    I think Cyndarin is either town or third party. The latter is a possibility to me because she could have a win condition along the lines of, "You win when you successfully record x unique pokemon in your pokedex." Or something like that. Just an idea that might fit with her power.

    Either way, most probably not scum, I think.
  • Oh yeah, and I'm not trading my suckemon for the world. Nobody can love him like I do. <3
  • Posting from my phone so this won't have much content, however I finally caught up. One thing that I think might have been overlooked during the first day is that Iosion bandwagoned on both Rolsand and Killee. It's been a while since I've played mafia but I seem to remember that being a smell, and we don't know much about Iosion's power or Pokémon.
  • Ushaara said:
    More Speculative:
    @Everyone: Did Rolsand pass his doll on to anyone? If not, that -could- potentially explain the poisoning along with bludgeoning. I'm thinking bludgeoning = truncheon = town vigilante, and this seems to match with what Portius saw, so am thinking that he may not have passed the doll off, and poison doll is flavour for him failing his personal mission thing. ie. if he didn't pass it off to someone, getting bludgeoned may have caused the doll to explode or whatever and he poisoned himself. Not sure if people agree with this theory, but goddamn if Tremula started us with 6 killing groups/individuals to worry about... But do think he would have mentioned an attack if it happened on Night 1 when he was in tell-all save-my-own-skin mode.

    Almost certainly. He should have known himself to be a very high-profile target last night, and passing the doll along would be the correct move in that case, depending on whether it means he can win posthumously or not (I think he said yes?). So I would proceed on the assumption that the doll is out there. Though I wonder if whoever has the doll would notice it? Or if they're prohibited from mentioning it somehow? I dunno, I'm paranoid.
    Jadice, the Frost Queen says to you, "Constant vigilance."
  • Given that Cyndarin was specifically named to me in my message as the Pokemon cataloguer, i'm pretty comfortable with her claim
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    I just thought it was weird for an investigative power to let you know who investigated you as it occurred, so that's where my main confusion stemmed from. Also understandable that Cyndarin wouldn't want to make it obvious to everyone who I was talking about right away, when given the option to remain anonymous.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Vivet - didn't you see something about a pokemon too? I can go back and look but it's a lot to sift through.

    It certainly wasn't Pumpkaboo

    It would be nice if Cyndarin told us exactly what the pumpkaboo's power does and who she used it on last night since no one has said anything about it.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Exactly Vivet it -is- strange that you saw who investigated you. Kalaneya and Kaimanahi are having play dates but they don't get the name of their visitor. Sylandra didn't get any names (I'm assuming). I'm also an investigator but no one is seeing that I investigated them. That you and Krackenor did just means that you are unwitting alibis for Cyndarin. 'She couldn't have been the killer because she visited me that night etc.' It's a very devious play but relies on town not sharing information about various visits in early phase of game.

    And since I'm paranoid about day kills, I believe Melali is the real pokedex interrogator and glamoured to look like Cyndarin. If I'm wrong about Cyndarin then there's no danger to him since it means my investigation was way off base. That she claimed his role just convinces me they're in cahoots.

    And after some Google fu I'm thinking why Cyndarin saw my pokemon action last night is because one of her minions likely has a Smoochum with Forewarn ability. Reveals target's strongest move. I had no indication of anyone acting on me which made me go look for psychic alternatives to copycat possibility. But yes, my pokemon is Victini and I used him to protect myself last night.

    Man even getting this much out was painful on phone but go back and look carefully how she described things. There are inconsistencies everywhere. How'd she survive two attacks. Claimed killers Darkrai attack as a block. Did she attack Rolsand's sandshrew or not. Was she jailed or protected last night. 'Oh I got no message about whether my attack succeeded...'

    Please, pull the other one!

    That she appears to be kill proof leads me to believe she's a mafia godfather along with all the inconsistent claims. Melali her number 2. And if I was put on spot, would say I onion and Silva us for other mafia based on their actions today.

    Anyhow will give more detail this evening when not on phone.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Lol, Iosion not onion.
  • That all seems like some pretty wild accusations, though it was a little odd to me that Krackenor described his visitor as an over-eager youngster personality, but Vivet said hers didn't give off that vibe and was more professional. Why the difference in personality?
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Ask Tremula! Or better Cyndarin herself. The important thing is both described seeing Cyndarin... Fits with disguised flavour to me!
  • Synkarin said:
    Vivet - didn't you see something about a pokemon too? I can go back and look but it's a lot to sift through.

    It certainly wasn't Pumpkaboo

    It would be nice if Cyndarin told us exactly what the pumpkaboo's power does and who she used it on last night since no one has said anything about it.
    I told you already, I attacked Sandshrew. 

    Luce's pokemon now, I'll leave it to Luce to divulge it. 
  • Krackenor has a Pichu. I won't expand on the powers.

    There, proof I am actually the pokedex boy.

  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Or I was jailed. I think I might have been jailed since I didn't get any message about actually acting on Rolsand. 

    I can't tell. Protected or jailed is what the message came across as. Some kind of "burning V" hit me in the chest and I was certain I'd survive the night. 
    So you're claimed both to have investigated Krackenor and attacked Rolsand, but didn't get a message for Rolsand because you were potentially jailed, but somehow this didn't affect your result on Krackenor? I think your lies are catching up to you!

  • I'm not sure where you think she was jailed is coming from? Did I miss something?
  • Nvm I'm blind as a zubat because you were quoting the post right there.

  • Ushaara said:
    Or I was jailed. I think I might have been jailed since I didn't get any message about actually acting on Rolsand. 

    I can't tell. Protected or jailed is what the message came across as. Some kind of "burning V" hit me in the chest and I was certain I'd survive the night. 
    So you're claimed both to have investigated Krackenor and attacked Rolsand, but didn't get a message for Rolsand because you were potentially jailed, but somehow this didn't affect your result on Krackenor? I think your lies are catching up to you!

    Uh. I immediately retracted the jailing comment,. I thought jailing was a possibility because I didn't see anything about Pumpkaboo failing or succeeding. However, I retracted it because my pokedex check went through on. 

    How is it catching up to me if I immediately said "nevermind, I wasn't jailed." 
    Oh I guess I wasn't jailed. NVM that. 

  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Huh...So Pumkpaboo is both blocker and unblocker. If you're taking a night action, you won't. if you aren't taking a night action, but have one available, you will.
  • Told you it's stupid. It's so random. 
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