Touhou Mafia: Extreme Shrine Makeover Edition



  • Melali said:
    Vote: No Lynch

    Also, if there are 22 people, shouldn't we only need 12 votes to lynch, not 13?
    You're correct. Mea culpa.

    And no Sylandra. There won't be any random events. There may be special rules for the spellcard duels as the days progress, but if so you'll be informed of them at the start of the day.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • It doesn't take long for Siam to accept Cyndarin's surprise challenge. Siam flies up first, gathering the energy of the setting sun for one last assault, but Cyndarin is far faster on the offense. As soon as she calls out her spellcard, her body moves rapidly upwards in a zig-zag pattern, leaving ten powerful familiars behind that each shoot a different kind of bullet aimed towards Siam. While the concentrated sunbeams manage to disperse a few of the bullets, there's far too many to properly avoid, especially as they begin to box Siam in, and Cyndarin manages to eventually claim victory when a torrent of butterfly bullets crash into Siam's chest.

    Cyndarin has won the spellcard battle
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • Votecount:

    No lynch: Othero, Tamashi, Ileein, Lehki, Yarith, Iosion, Sylandra, Tremula, Lavinya, Melali, Siam, Breandryn, Vivet (13)

    With 22 helpers, it's 13 to call it a day.

    That's a wrap!

    Today has been a fun day for most. Lots of spellcard duels, some games, a lot of friendly idle chatter. There was the instance of Cyndarin's peculiar and sudden change of heart when it comes to fights. Might bear looking into, but for now people might as well get some sleep. It's getting late, and most agree that it'll be smart to call it an early night. There'll be plenty of work to do when the repairs of the shrine begin properly tomorrow. Soon the shrine is deserted and night falls.

    It is now Night 0. You have 48 hours to send in all your night actions.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    (sorry about the not bolding thing. Thought I was being so clever on my phone too. Stupid forums.)

  • (Just an accidental space. It's no big problem. Now shh. Go to bed.)
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • Dawn approaches. Night actions may no longer be changed.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • The sun rises once more over Gensokyo and over the course of a long hour people make their way back to the shrine to begin work on repairing the place. The Kappa have agreed to deliver the required materials, but there seems to have been a mix-up in communication at some point. They've provided plenty of solid wood and stone, but the planks have all been cut in a very uneven shape so that before they can even be used for anything you'll have to solve a puzzle just to figure out where you can use the wood. And this was not an accident. A census paper has been left anonymously on the shrine grounds. This text implies that there are people out there who wish to see the shrine construction hampered. There are saboteurs among the group, that much is certain.

    Oh, and Synkarin seems to have come down with a cold which makes stating an opinion difficult.

    Welcome to Gensokyo's day 1

    Today's news:
    Spellcard duels can now be made with bets. Remember, betted spellcard fights may cause cards to go on cooldown.
    Synkarin is unable to vote today.
    A census have been taken, and the results come to the following. There are currently four individuals who are working to sabotage the shrine reconstruction effort. There are currently three individuals not native to Gensokyo among the group. It is unknown if there is an overlap between these two groupings.
    Today's game-day will last until GMT midnight between the 26th and 27th, unless a lynch happens beforehand.
    It is now possible to vote someone off the reconstruction efforts.

    Finally, a copy of today's Bunbunmaru news has been delivered to the shrine for everyone to read.


    Shrine Maiden Abandons Duty and Destroys Shrine!

    It is funny the way fate can work sometimes, isn't it? Having just completed my tell-all report on the sordid history and immoral practices of that hackneyed rag 'Kakashi Spirit News', I awoke this morning dreading the onset of what was certain to be a slow news day. Yet just as I resigned myself to this reality, this anathema of all honest reporters, a massive explosion completely destroyed the Hakurei Shrine...what luck!

    Concerned for the safety and well-being of my neighbors, I quickly made to the site of the incident with camera and notepad in tow and arrived just as it was discovered that Reimu Hakurei was nowhere to be found. How very curious! As the maiden of the destroyed shrine, Reimu should certainly have been near enough to hear the explosion, but she was not among the 22 of us who showed up to help. Alas, before I could investigate too deeply, the Seeds of Unknown Form masked all identities, leaving me at a loss as to where to begin. 

    But fear not, for my investigative spirit cannot be subdued for long and my keenly inquisitive mind quickly began noticing some strange details. For example, with just the most cursory observation it became all too clear that a CERTAIN individual (who may or may not have taken the moniker of Siam) was all too eager to initiate spellcard duels which oh-so-conveniently obliterated the grounds of the shrine and destroyed whatever chance we may have had of finding even a shred of evidence in the ruins. Hmm...Was this explosion, perhaps...intentional? Could this individual (who may or may not be calling herself Siam) and Reimu be collaborating here? What possible benefit could the two of them have for destroying this holy site?

    We have a conspiracy on our hands, loyal readers! A web of intrigue and mystery is being spun as we speak, and it is my sacred duty as a reporter to get to the bottom of it. And I think I know exactly where to start looking...

    Until tomorrow,
    Aya Shameimaru

    It is now day 1. With 21 able to vote, it's 11 to lynch
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • A tiny note has been nailed to the gate that marks the entrance to the shrine. On it is written

    Danmaku cheat sheet.

    Streamers > Lasers
    Lasers > Scatters
    Scatters > Streamers

    Don't forget
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    So to be clear, no one died last night and Synkarin can't vote?

    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • That census seems like it might have been somebody's power. Otherwise that's an odd bit of info for mod post to share.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    I had an eventful night in that my night action went through. It's entirely benign, @Lavinya was the lucky recipient, but it's entirely based around danmaku and by the way my flavour text was received, it's not likely that she noticed it being put on her or will notice until/unless she engages in danmaku. I won't spell out what it does, because I like the element of surprise and just knowing that it is benign and having an easily verifiable way to confirm that I did use a helpful power should suffice for now, so hopefully she'll be a gem and accept if someone challenges her.

    Meanwhile, I'll accept any exhibition matches today (in the spirit of fostering friendliness) and wagered matches within reason. I think it's probably smarter for us to do exhibitions before we do wagered matches, though. If I have the power to alter a danmaku, then it's likely someone more sinister also has the power to alter, and I'd like that power to go off before someone loses their abilities or powers to vote.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Caveat: today people's last words can go through. We don't know what those entail. So someone might accept an exhibition match, planning to utilize that effect. So they aren't as free and breezy as they were yesterday!
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    Oh, shoot, I forgot last words were a thing (and I used to main a deathrattle hunter deck in Hearthstone). Now we're left to wonder if those last words are visible and if we'll see them go off, or if there are brands that are silent. However, from Kira's modpost (please correct me if I'm wrong @Kiradawea), the cards that have a last words can be played immediately after losing a danmaku. We could get lucky in that she could have a time frame she needs to see them played in between, but it's likely she'll waive immediately out of friendliness and time zones. Still, I imagine last words will have a significant cooldown compared to normal cards, so I don't think people would be willing to tip their hand so early and have suspicion thrown on them day one. Thanks for the reminder, I just hope my mafia senses aren't leading me wrong in this.

    For posterity:

    Kiradawea said:

    Hey, next to my card it says (Last Word) in paranthesis. Is that important?:
    Oh shush! That was supposed to be a secret power... but if you insist. "Last Word" cards can be played immediately after you've lost a spellcard duel. They have special effects, and really count more as "abilities" than "spellcards".
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    I reckon I'm going to have significant difficulty parsing what's important flavour vs. ignorable flavour. :|

    What's this about a puzzle? Is that like an mini-event thing or how are we supposed to fix it? Or is that just flavour for what we're all working on today while deciding who to vote off?

    But 4 saboteurs, 3 outsiders who might overlap, and I guess we can't rule out alignment flips happening somewhere down the line... Good base to start from!
  • I think all of the important information are listed under today's news and the rest is just flavour?

    Anyway, nothing for me to report.
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    I swear I was careful while engaging in all those danmakus! :(
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • I don't want town to get distracted by it to much so I'm gonna ahead an admit that I'm not native to Gensokyo. This was just.briefly mentioned as part of my character's backstory though, and wasn't related to my alignment. So possible there is some overlap with the other group mentioned, but don't think it's something of significance for us to look at.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    @Siam out of curiosity was the day opener just a comment on yesterday's events, or is it something more significant we should look into? The "Aya Shameimaru" newspost is what I'm referencing.

    Part of me is reading it as a Carlos-investigator-a-la-Nightvale post but I honestly am not sure what to make of it. ^^;
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    I know that the references to me are mostly flavour, yes, but something tells me we need to find something among the wreckage? I  That's what the post seems to be hinting at. I also think that there may be a cult or that conversions are possible!

    I'm also wondering whether whoever forced Celina into dueling had some added effect to that showdown? Maybe they got to strengthen her abilities a bit?
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • I'm really curious who took an action on Synkarin. Seems really trigger happy for town.
  • I find it amusing that the ice affinity person caught a cold. But it seems an interesting power to make sure someone can't vote. I'm not entirely sure what we're up against, but as @Lehki said they're an outsider and don't claim to be apart of the effort to stop reconstruction. I've never done a game this large so not sure what to really expect there to be role-wise.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • I got nothing out of last night.
  • For the Last Words on Spell cards: I asked Kiradawea, and she said that a loss in an Exhibition match won't be able to activate Last Word. On the other hand, it's the challenged who determines what type of match it is, so I think we're better off not challenging people.

    And I think that if you just read the stuff under Day's News, you'll be fine. Everything is probably just tasty, tasty flavor.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Othero said:
    I'm really curious who took an action on Synkarin. Seems really trigger happy for town.
    Yeah, blocking someone's ability to vote isn't inherently anti-town or pro-town by itself, but it's a bit suspicious in this context. Iunno, if I had the power to block a vote, I think I'd only use it if I was mafia/third party this early in the game. Town should want to see who votes for what people and why. So, I'm gonna read the anti-vote power as hostile until proven otherwise.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    I think the editor character is like J. Jonah Jameson, always looking for a way to paint things in a dramatic light for increased sales (Siam confirmed to be Spiderman?), so while I'm not saying it couldn't be relevant, I think it could be.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • Well, it seems clear that the actual newspaper article was written by Kiradawea, since not many people would be able to flavor the report like that. However, it was written from the perspective of someone at the shrine, aka a player. Thus we can conclude that it is the result of a player's ability that allows them to have the mod post something akin to a newspaper article that also examines another player.

    Anyway, it seems inconclusive at the moment. We should keep it in mind for the next day, when we hopefully get another sample to compare to this one. If the next article also heavily features a single player, and paints them in either a suspicious or innocent role, then we may determine that it's definitely projecting some information. Whether or not it's valid information would remain to be seen until people start getting stumped.
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    If anything, I was expecting some of those who were more actively dueling on day 0 to be roleblocked in some form, myself included. I'm not sure why they picked Synkarin myself.
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Yeah, again, I think it's possible this is what @Ileein's Carlos role in the Nightvale mafia was supposed to entail. It'll be easier to finagle that one if a pattern emerges, as you say. Anyway, there's nothing there that makes me especially anxious about @Siam, so... I guess he's an okay guy for now?

    OH! Another reason the anti-vote strikes me as totally shady! @Synkarin had a pretty recognizably town-ish* role. The moment we realized we could google his spellcard and determine who he was, most of us did so. A role like that is a strong threat to mafia, who know that town will often follow the most trustworthy person in the room. Stealing his vote is absolutely more useful for mafia than it is for town. (*This theory of course could be totally overthrown if Synkarin turns out to be scum, but his role doesn't seem to lean in that direction. But what roles are even scummy this game, tbh?)
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Aya is known to sometimes embellish the Bunbunmaru, so keep that in mind when reading. While Reimu does tend to drag her feet, I am very suspicious of any claim towards dereliction of duty, and find it more likely that her absence was planned by the perpetrators.

    Unfortunately, I've nothing to share that might help shed light on last night's happenings.

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